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Sex drive time and our health. Sex and human life. Food stuff and sexual health. As you eat well, you expel well enough.  


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 A suit against Mulvee  T on his action+ reactions but what was situation and conditions in quality department to day on date 10/05/2021 at about 8.48 am.

Facts and realities 

Some types of defects and faults appear on inspection garments quality tables,and terrorist type of noose raise by T,  but why ?

T directly raise a row as loudly with a in line quality inspector without informing three senior level authorities and those are as under,

Supervisor, directly related with all quality matters of running job orders.

Assistant quality manager, T not raise any kind of information knowledge till first time of row between inline quality inspector.

Quality manager, top most level authority, not informed by T about defects percentage of inspected quantity+quality level,more so al informed at WhatsApp "unavailability of two kinds of labels and those are known as " back neck label+side attach instruction/cars labels ",so production of running job order with out these two type of labels.

So some under rules, regulations, labour law and as rites reflects/describe are.

" it was first and foremost duty and responsibility or Mr.T,

To first inform serial wise authorities about faults in related job order production as usual. First type of mid contact "and this miss behave fall under,disobeying of labour laws,then fall under civil law suits is malicious biased enmities, criminal code procedure, why?         Because,

It was dishonor stage for quality inspector+against subordinates respect of work at " quality inspection position+here threaten directly fall under/within criminal code procedure of Pakistan,


   Because as usual finishing in charge is directly related with final type of job order quality inspection process,so it was duty+responsibility of finishing in charge to directly react+act with quality supervisor, and it was not the duty of quality auditing assistant manager to directly relate with inline quality inspector during inspection, if assistant quality manager directly threaten the quality inspector during job order duty,this crime fall under "criminal code procedure",

Furthermore job description+job specification also indicates it was misbehavior, misbehaves+threaten are at baise and at malicious type of action against inline quality inspector.

Dishonouring of a " under others authorities " is a crime (here further may arise as offence if further some kinds of quarrels arise) and as "no crime without sentence', so

after some wait as covid19 is at full swing and still situations/conditions are under control of epidermic, yes at suitable time a suit will fill of" dishonoring with amount of discharging as amount of money "against Mr.T.

Please always remember there is no law in this world, those allow someone superior to degrade others who are not directly working under and also not allow to degrade subordinates on some type of own enmity.

Companies law also describes such type of conflicts but how to solve the conflicts if these raise in workers such as in inline quality inspector individual base or at teams levels,

How to solve the conflicts between workers?

What conflicts raise is a natural process such between,

Worker to worker level.

Workers to lower level management,

Worker to middle level authority


Worker to top level authority ( but at some working labour if disobey the order of top level authority then order by authority to expel the worker, fire from job at once and stop the wage or salary from account office) yes there are monopoly of wealth and it is violation of basic human rights.


Although in stitching flow there are norms and rites to allow some percentage of faults but at minor or major type of faults and this percentage is almost at five percent at output base but calculations are same at higher lever and this also depends upon the " systems of inline flow management ", such as " seven type system ",or five type of faults of system" because where Mr.T is violating the the integrity of honour of in line quality inspector is running the flow at ",seven system faults", in simple words it mean inline quality inspector will check the seven pieces of garments in every bundle of under needle point garments if those are passe with the level of quality or as with the sample the bundle of semi stitch bundle of pieces of garments enter in to next stage of stitching and process continue till the end of/completion of garments as per sample.   So where seven system of quality is running can cause some pieces of garments to move with some type of faults to next stitching operation because inline quality inspector check only seven pieces of garments from bundle and it is possible the bundle of pieces of garments may be of fifty pieces such as 50-7=43 pieces of garments and 43 pieces of garments can cause problems of faults ,further more every inline quality inspector is bond under time limit with some other type of responsibilities+duties,as describe the job description of inline quality inspection guide.

Here two words one word is " job description ",.

And second word is " job specification ",.

In simple words job description is the main secure card with that some one in service can discharge with dues and it is on monthly basis,because job description describes the stage of performance and performing duties so these stages and authority level determine the scope of circulation of duties and responsibilities, yes Mr.T job description doesn't indicates to interfere and interference in the process of inline inspector involving in stitching flow because inline quality inspector directly relate under the control of quality supervisor, what results are drawn from above mentioned comments in some little words,

Mr. T try to over climax the duties and responsibilities then the title that Mr.T hold,and discharging his duties+responsibilities in an export organization. What kinds of law and regulations fit try to come in action while disobeying the right ways of degrading the quality inspector performing his duties and responsibilities in stitching line flow. Again and again that question" why Mr.T directly interfere with the inline quality inspector duties and responsibilities"?.

Was Mr.T was on right way to interfere withe the integrity of honor of inline quality inspector interfere?.

Because in law words+words phrases can play essential and fundamental rule in judgment the real cause of quarrel, rows and conflicts so it is necessary to complete root cause analysis on the bass of civil law+labour law + criminal procedure code.    And what is cods?.

A code is accumulation of raw data+primary data+secondary data+tertiary data =information data for decisions making, order giving, for complex and complete final judgement.

Job specification

Job specification indicates what kind of skill knowledge and techniques require to complete a task or gain to complete the tasks of job orders,production and manufacturing, or in service all types of competencies+abilities especially education, people skill,technical skill,conceptual skills and role play to complete a task at that the salary graph is determine as at per month basis+ex  experience with suitable background of related education.

Yes this was only sketch of first day anguish cross question with Mr.T

Now about the next date of 11/05/2021 and what was involvement and that is as under.

In the first half of duties hours "quality is wrong", " your are not fit person for this job position ", " you are deteriorated the quality measures ", " your are destroying the whole quality and properties of knitwear garment stitch pieces and so many irresponsible slogan that also fall under dishonouring of inline quality inspector.

But what about second half of the day as went and passed away of half duty hours.

Only political dialogues with humours of political situations such as,first start was.

At morning when I was coming from home on duty ,there was on the road a asst taking and turning "u.turn" ,near a graveyard, and at the same the same time clams with joy that was like our prime minister because our prime minister take many u.turn on many "said claims such as one crore house for poor. Free education for all,employment vacant positions for so large numbers of peoples of Pakistan and others political slogans as are raise by our prime minister during voting campaign,and no one was completed during the regime of prime minister limitation period while only three years has been spent.

Next dialogue was about the the near went situations of " tahreek- e- labake  protesting. Although this question was of right and pious nature so inline quality inspector "accept that firing on young religious people was wrong act of prime minister because" entire and whole of our lives are devote to the our holy prophet (pbuh).

Yes here Mr.T was right to explain "we all as a true Muslim+real lover of holy prophet+our all assist of our lives " yes we at any way ,through any process SACRIFICE on the honour, of the name/with the name of our last and holy prophet (pbuh).


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