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Sex drive time and food stuff

Sex drive time and our health. Sex and human life. Food stuff and sexual health. As you eat well, you expel well enough.  

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 Please suggest "what are duties and responsibilities of parents"?.

Childcare and parents life circle.

Needs,wishes,wants and demands of children.

Our society, our environment,our financial conditions and parents responsibilities.

Yes if you are reading these lines may be you are a father,may be you are a mother,or may be you are a young kids of parent remember there are some type of duties and responsibilities that are bond from sides to sides why? Because no one break the nest of these responsibilities and duties and run at right path. Although religious education and religious thoughts describes about these in details but with some kinds of difference and this difference is valueless as compare with love,affection and  future training of moral,healthcare about future life,financial status of kids and so more as every one couple want according to situations. All kinds of creatures produce babies for continuing next generation such as birds and animals also produce babies but training is only for survival in natural environment but human produce next generation for society and for the betterment of mankind because all religious of the world notate that  one pious and excellent nature child can change the shape and ways of lives of many people. Remember if training of a child is accordance with religious education and religious affairs then child can/will prove a golden drop for society and all this depend on the nature of parents and parents natural important point is if parents transfer good qualities of thoughts and glorious seeds of ideas in an embryo as a genetic transformation then child can bear those qualities that are in favor of society and for all others individuals but think about those parents whose habits,feeling, thinking and behavior is unfair,ignorant, ill thinking and with all about negative mind then genetic materials can shape a child that can cause worse affects on other people, here only genetic transformation and genetic material not only measure the next generation quality but dominant and prominent genes enforcing can cause some kinds of changes and these changes can bring revolution in the lives of new generation thoughts, ways of lives spending, relationship with others society members and shaping of new environment for next to next generation.

Children always copy the all habits of parents so parents habits are is foundation for the next whole future life of children. Yes if you are parents of young flowers you must be responsible and dutiful to sow seeds of pious thinking, good feeling, for excellent deeds and following the rights of other people of society. As a parents of children it is your first and foremost duty to nourish young flowers with the plenty of water of "free from lies", " free from malicious ", " free from polluted ideas", " free from enmity ", and free from all kinds of dieses nature habits.

Please try to provide natural environment, natural habits arising society where children can learn the future guidelines for improving himself/herself and also improve society by growing the seeds of " as a well wisher for all others", why?,because from only one seed produce plant with thorn can cause winds,bloody and worse habitual practices for others people, for others ways and yes this can cause irresponsibility and difficulties for the people of the society.

Remember the learning place for children is home and if there are much space In home for playing the children then children can accept the natural ways of walking and improving health qualities and these qualities are essential and necessary for the natural growth of children.

Please don't deprive children from real love of parent, as mother and father, as there are family law in country to hold complete custody of young children only mother because decision maker authorities believe "mothers are more responsible", so courts hand over the custody of young children to only mother and father are order to pay for all dues of young children with out living them,seeing them,playing with then, Yes father stand alone only for providing only foods materials, every day needs money, but with out the quench of love of children, father is deprive from children custody. Yes some times family maters are suit in court to solve the " family maters ", family law train is so low speed old train with holding of much of burden of duties and responsibilities of rights of children and parents, because system of law is very very slow so during this long lasting limit in children minds grow the psychological disorders and next survival of children go in deflection angle,yes the children next destination is theft and crimes. Why?,because with the help of family court system and an old system we produce the throne seeds growing herbs in young mind so no hope to grow flowers on that plant.

So always be careful about the future survival of young children because as a parent your are erecting the base of a new building and try to built a building that stand alone for so long period of time in future that can provide residence for many next coming generations.


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