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Sex drive time and food stuff

Sex drive time and our health. Sex and human life. Food stuff and sexual health. As you eat well, you expel well enough.  


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 Yes we change many thing that are directly related with our life. we change our clothes on daily basis,we change our foods and eatable materials every day, we change our all other related thing on daily basis bit we can not change our self as with the change of time. we cannot change our self accordance with situations and conditions. Yes we always try to change every things on daily basis and every day but we can't being changes in our self.

Why we think these changes are must,established and necessary in our daily life,if these changes such a daily changing cloths,daily foot wear change and everyday changing of our external environmental variable are must but we can't change our self.

Some times we changes our relationship, yes likewise we change our relations with our relatives,with our friends, with our kith and kin,we change our study materials, we change our destination and our final goals,even we change our strategies and policies but again thinking point is "why we can't change our self.

We change our love,we change our perceptions, we change our future paths, we change our beloved one but we not accept to being change in our self,why?.

When we think our accommodation is old and not as should be relevant with time then we make planning and change that accommodation weathers those are costly or with poor price,we changes our beds, we changes our places of loving accordance with situations and conditions but we not try to think"how bring change in our self",because our feeling ,our thinking and our point of learning is only accept external changes and not within ourselves. That is why we are deprive of from many successful future.

But what about the next results of these " golden and life changing words",only a bit of thinking "how to bring change in our self", and " how bring changes in our daily life internally,yes that not only gain the satisfaction of perfection but stand all alone clearly from internal and external changing ways of our habits,increase our thinking about positive sides of our future life.

If you are still not disturb please go for word with me and try to think "how being Chang in our self", yes that can cause our future success, our future happiness,our life facility, our ways of living and more so understanding the others people psychology.

As mention earlier we changes all related things that can bring changes in our external environmental situations but we can't think only once in our life" how to Chang our self, before changing our relationship, before changing out cloths,before changing our shining or dirty dress,yes we can not think our "if we change our all and many thing daily and routine wide", but we can not change our self with time period, with our age,with our demands and with our observations.

Yes in some individuals life period there come a turn where darkness camouflage the future paths, hide the roads of mile stones of future destination, satisfaction and hopes become dim then only changes can pass some one from difficult situations and success of future is spontaneously arise in the some corner of our  mind bit patience and regular struggle is must to accept regular changes, regular Improvement life .

Yes we always try to change every thing except changing our self. Why we not change our self with time, with age,with situates, with conditions and with related circumstances, is it a tragedy or not ,is it  drama,or is it a worse behavior with our self. Yes it is a coercion with us,a cruelty with us by ourselves, yes these are cause of of our hopelessness, disappointed, worries,weeping and failure in our future life, yes we destroy ourselves with our own hand,with our own will and with our own understanding. Why we not bring changes in our self while we change every things as all those things are also directly relates, correlate and In favor of our future life periods, in very easy and simple words our life is directly under our control and our life directions are guidelines provide us our circumstances, our,daily habits ,our environment and our society but these all are fro away from our feeling and our thinking. So if some one want to become a successful life must bring first and foremost those changes than can change our self before changing other variables of our life relate matters.

If your still not understand the above mentions discussions then now try to read these lines not only for understanding the "real value of  changes in our life", " changes and human life", "Why we not accept the positive changes and diverts our self to negative changes", and our life is changing as are the demand of society norms, society customs and society values for individual rights. Remember estimation are not always exact,correct and true unless our own struggle for achieving some thing new is not include, but inclusion here what mean and some more these are changes that measure the future paths and guidelines on successful direction and clear road map that run straight for word and decide success or failure about individuals life cycle and individuals every day  success steps on future path and ways .

If you are not still satisfied with these guidelines then please improve yourself, your mental health, feeling and thinking psychology, your behavior with your own and your daily habits that can bring changes in your life, As a average thinking person it is our first and foremost duty to learn something to ourselves and we benchmark our self with others,with close related personal enjoying form bringing changes in lives ,bringing changes in thinking and withe the the help of changing life and life relate matters and those people are now call as a rich people, satisfied people, successful people and alone ,only one and strong people. Yes please always remember only changes can bring revolutions in individual life only if changes are measure and benchmark on the standard of changing our self, changing our ways of life and accepting positive changes with wisdom of changing behavior of our own and accept changes if those "life changeable", if some one not accept changes of times,changes of circumstances, changes in own feeling and thinking then there are not miracles to appears and compels us please these changes can change your life and your next generation.

survival of our next generation also depends up on our accepting changes and our own behavior characters pass through generation to generation but here change are must and necessary, why?, because if changes are not accept in favor of next generation then the next generation will not accept changes and " deterioration stage", starts 


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