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Sex drive time and food stuff

Sex drive time and our health. Sex and human life. Food stuff and sexual health. As you eat well, you expel well enough.  


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 Although I am still student of learning because every body everyday and every time learn something for increasing information, knowledge and understanding about something. And yes we learn every things with the help of words. Our messages, our conveying messages to others peoples we use words and last thing that remain in its original shape,form and  immortal is word but i n which shape,size and style the words will live alive and alone still for away from my understanding and knowledge but it is reality words are immortal and words will not die although all things are mortals and have a limits of time period and special life cycle.

There are many different words that cause difficulties for understanding the meaning of those words  although there very long list of those words but some words create much difficulty during speaking and telling others"what is my meaning and what type of message I want to convey to you by speaking words,yes these are language problems and exist in every language of the world. In worldwide there are many languages that creates difficulties especially for new learner such as think about the French language where only one word"e" cause problems and difficulties during writing, reading and especially during speaking intervals.

English language is not exception from all those because there are many words that are causes of difficulties and problems. These words are in a very long list on paper and minds but one word "match", cause and create difficulties and problems when some one speak such as " cricket match", and "match box", " matching colours and matching suits", are different words with different meaning but something is same and that thing is"war against reach other", for instance when some body rub with some force the stick of wooden that end with flammable chemical with the sides of match box them hot fire burn and produce heat ,may be during sparking stick with match box sides harsh chemical then there temperature is millions of degree centigrade and only one match box stick can burn a huge hump of materials in seconds as words spreads in news, on written stiff and as a text message.

Please now again think about "cricket match", where two teams play against each others to win the end results of match where final results may be at what facts and figures but " war of achieving goals continues till final ball of cricket match. Here word match indicates the "tag of war", between two bodies where every team want to win the match. Yes these are different meaning of words we speak on different occasions of our life period. But still the " word match ", not clearly defines the reality and original meaning in some easy words and again brainstorm at simple and !meaningful understanding of the word " match", because every one speak these words but accordance with situations many words changes its meaning and translating formulation as these words fit on that spot and spin such as two words with same spelling and same writing form are "put and but", we write these two words in same writing style with same spelling but during sparking these words meaning and pronunciation change as event of occasion change but variable are still at same position because language is like a gardens where flowers blooms with full charms but pluck those flowers who is able to know the real value of those flowers small, fragrance and beauty, furthermore someone must know the" how plucking flowers form branches ", because all branches are include with and like needles point thins that can cause small wounds and even smashes on hands during plucking of those beautiful flowers. Because yes I not know the exact and real meaning of history of word " match", furthermore English is not my native language may be this reason this word is cause of my anguish problem and difficulties while writing some paragraph or new articles,although aim of a writer is to convey message to readers and in spoken orations in very easy manner, easy way and easy mood. If words are not perfect according to event of relation then conveying message with complete index is difficult and someone not know "what words are flowing with what meaning", so word match is difficult to understand on different occasions, such as if one speak this word during" cricket match", them speaker utterance indicates "a war for winning in ground is flowing on full swing", here word match is seemingly suitable, proper and fit with the meaning for further discussion.

Some time we see some words such as" perfect match",here what meaning of the word "match", although dictionary of English language can help to understand the exact and real meaning of the word match but there are many dictionaries of English language from them someone can get help for knowing and understanding the meaning of this word bit this need more and  extra time but this can increase problems for new learners and students because new learners and students are unfamiliar at lower stage to go I'm details study of words and especially those words have different meaning at different occasions.

" Match colours ", is a word and this two tail have a different meaning other than " cricket match",this word is also infuse in Urdu language from English language. Because English language words are directly included in Urdu language.

Same above is true about language as I am still student and young, new learner of English language and many words are causing problems and difficulties for me while studying the news papers, short stories books,using social media website and try to make practice in speaking and writing some thing new or relevant. So the word match is disturbing me with different meaning, with different understanding, with different.

Matching clouds are matching colours are also creating cause of difficulties for understanding the meaning of these two words. Matching colours means"two different things colours with same tune of looking ,same feeling of looking ,same fabrication of seeing and same absorption of our eyesight. As ladies try to 'match" the colours of lipstick with body colour dresses, with foot wear and with whole looking of body as a perfect match"all colours must be same",but here modesty of word "match", remain in favor of reality because this is relate to females and females have a so!e more power to over come on different matters perfectly and exactly.

One word that is also creating problems is" DTM", please be note here "DTM", stand for " dye to match",and here it is also relates to colours such as all knitwear stitching gatemen part must be of same colour and there should be no dim tune colour garment attach part or accessory material.

International foot ball match will play after one or two years later but word match can cause again difficulties for me as I am new learner of this language, but with the help of dictionaries I shall try to learn/understand the real meaning of this word. In future I shall also try to discuss with my friends to learn some thing more about this word "match",

Of you have some thing new and old about this word please share here with me.


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