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Stop crimes

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 Crimes and human life.

Crimes and our society.

How to stop crimes?

Individual life and crimes?

What is differences between crime and offence?

In every society of the world there are present criminal people and for stopping crimes "law and order", forces are develop to control the crimes and offences,but the circle of criminal peoples are so wide and strong, crimes can't control and crimes numbers increase day to day as population of society increase with the passage of time. Yes there are many reasons " why crimes increase in a society and these can be control with the entire power and authority of law and order enforcing minds. Although this is a very wide and lengthy so broad subject that a whole branch of knowledge circulate and dive in this field of top climax. Why not?,because there are more than ten forces acting and reacting on/with society but law and orders, command and control, investigation and judiciary such topics involves in searching the real and to the point causes so "criminology", invented but still in innocent phase because still crimes ratios are increasing, not decreasing as criminology describes and claims. As some wise persons say " crimes roots grow in the minds of individuals and every one individual has a special mind set with different type of brainstorming ", so criminals thinking level is highest then those who become the victims of those criminal people. As owners are not wise them thieves, if owners are wise then thieves then there should be no theft in societies of the world.


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