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Sexual Harassment

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 What about asexual harassment?

Sexual harassment and society foundations.

Sexual harassment and Our behavior.

Enjoy your life with compromise.

What is the sexual harassment And why sexual harassment incidents occur at different places where males and females work together under one roof, what realities, truths and observations about these panoramas because only male are accuses as on criminal pages and females are from exception from such kinds of offences. Why only male are greedy to violates the laws,disciplines, rules, ethics and expose behavior to satisfy with females watching regularly, putting eyes in her eyes,asking for foreplay, requesting for dating,enjoying from females lovely and smiling faces,asking them to spend some moments of their lives with then for enjoying sexual intercourse for a while,but this is not a reality, this is not z complete truth and this is not a smooth event,but what is reality only men are are nominated as a cause for "sexual harassment ", may be there are true reality in or any society of the world but in close, religious and pious society there are" equal opportunities ", for both sexes. Remember the structure of society, education levels of people, age,gender and boldness are fundamental factors that cause to create discrimination at work places where men and women are earning both ends meat together under one roof. Be active and while hers because only male are not accuse but negative negative magmatic power is also full with same kinds of harassment but thinkers,philosophers, researchers, top level executives, big bosses, chairman, chief executive, directors and managerial level white collar are stubborn and insists on only one and final logic" females are free from such kinds of negative behavior ", but there are some thing wrong at some point of discussion because females are not so pious and these have a hear,soul,body, wishes and " demands"and if some times these wishes,wants and demands not come true on the hopes of a female then there are"they nominated sexual harassment by men",what is truth in it?.

If I am a judge of  court and a suit is fill to me"a man disturbed a girl asking to strength sexual relationship ",and that women or girl is worry about to present her body for enjoying the sex", what will become next and will will be next stage of suit?. As a honest judge, as director, as human resource manager, first and foremost it is my duty and responsibility to order for all kinds of proofs and evidence, but before hearing two parties, I myself think sexual harassment was orally, physically or some type of sudden case. what party is at true path and what side is with malicious and on negative base because all in suits claims" I am right and other is wrong ", and other claims" I am right other side is at negative point", here my own examination start with a difficulty such a collecting data about the claims of two parties,such as "root cause analysis"," working environment ", " time intervals "," medical reports and verbal statement of two parties. Yes next stage is collecting of primary data,secondary data, information data for balance the suit,why and why ?,because sexual harassment started from female side,because I think women make notice when some one liver,some one ex boyfriend, some one relative fail to complete the heavy and huge demands of plaintiff. So root cause analysis can help me to judge the realities of suit,who is wrong and who one is right(?).

Today again some about it as "what is sexual harassment"?. And why sexual harassment measure as from male side or from the side of woman. Although of is very difficult to determine the exact point of harassment but there are some real and suitable sources with the help of those resources on can reach and decide " where is truth laying in that type of state ",such as computerized connected television cameras can store the video of movements of all that come across near the eyes of these cameras and because stored data is available for long run for proves and evidences for further more future investigation but there are some work places where such kind of facility is not available yes it is the responsibility of owner to arrange such type of facilities to provide security, safe and sound working environment to all workers regardless with sex,religious, discrimination and stress free and friendly working environment where every one can make both ends meat with the respectful manner. Because every one wish to have respect ,honour and ethical behavior from others and others peoples also need kind and generous behaviour.

Sometimes sexual harassment are only at early stage like as relationship starts and these relationship are bond with each other as a single covalent bond and here force of attraction that holds male and female to gather is " power and strength of money ", that ply important and essential role to combine these two opposite forces in one bond or " relationship "_that's are continue till facilities such as exchange of money continue, here if stop the regularity then there are nose for sexual harassment especially from women or girls sides, yes here wealthy nature and habits are cause or foundation of sometimes sexual relationship or sometimes only timely sexual enjoyment,here also agreement price some times diverts then only ", weeping as a sexual harassment", but infects there are end of limits that's are connected and based on only money rewords ,here again only "poor people are cause of sexual harassment", and rich ,wealthy and strong people are exempt fro such kind of accusations because eating something goods is not sexual harassment then stopping same thing till the time of end relationship. Here only two possibilities are under consideration one is one is real facts and figures about sexual harassment and other one is situations, conditions and environment where sexual harassment continue in past,present or may be possible in future as a sex enjoying events" with the will of both party as male or females are first agree to do such acts under darkness or openly in a day light clearness. Yes both are count as crime of offences or declare as a agreement between male and female to connect sexual relationship with each other but what happen when female raise a claims"the action was my sexual harassment "_while she was agree to do such acts may be at the base of money or some others type of rewords. Here noise is call as a " sexual harassment with female ",because first lady was agree willfully to enjoy sex and make sexual relationship with male but when the next stage of reward on then row stats" the money amount is less then agreed amount", here what kind of sexual harassment took place.

Sexual harassment started from male side ,


Sexual harassment started from female sides,

But now question is"it was reality sexual harassment of it was a quarrel of amount of money,male is responsible to pay for sexual satisfactions.

If some one request for enjoying sex with female is counted under "sexual harassment", while still request bit not physical connects are not in total action,yes sexual harassment but still not crime or offence because " sexual harassment ",indicates only message through agreement and if someone is disagree then timely request for enjoying the intervals reject bit if situations and conditions are such that one side is agree and other side is disagree then " if break suggest", still not no further action, please read this event example and again think about the word "sexual harassment,

Once upon a time a police man was discharge his duties and responsibilities at bus station and by chance there was sitting a very young, beautiful and pretty lady with full of charming and sexy dress. The police man take bird eye view of the whole body of the lady who was sitting all alone at lonely place of the bus station. At first glance the sexy and beautiful lady didn't shot some kind of response bit again and again watching of police man on her beautiful and pretty face,and at last she replied to the police man " I am not such type of lady ", at once police man replied" It is my first and foremost duty to check you",Those was only police man to increase understanding and "checking techniques", how to convene other to obey the request.

The lady uttering about herself, in favour of herself and saving from sexual abuse was only checking and police man" first checking "was a sexual harassment. No please be note here it was not sexual harassment because still agreement,strength or power was not trail as a activity and if activity was completed by unwillingness of lady by police man them activity was occurred and offence come in reality then laws powers was enforcing to" why such happen", different opinions raised by different noises because no physically contract took place then there was no sexual harassment occur,only checking process of first stage started but action was still for away.

Please again think about if such kind of tragedy was plethoric in such a way as some physical harms and mentally damage incident "stand all alone" between the lonely lady and the police man then new situation can cause the further law actions but wide lady all ended in one sentence "I am not such lady", and police man replied " checking was my duty" not stand in sexual harassment incidents,

Although there are many laws and rules about sexual harassment but those all are in favour of females and there is no law that protect the rights of males, Yes why females are take or given exceptions from sexual abuse and harassment but men and boys are brought under the control lines of laws "as criminal and offender", only females are free from sexual actions and males are so hot they breaks the law of country(s),law of religious and norms of society, why there are reasons and data that indicates that only men are out of control to indulge in such activities. Although it is not truth but females ate equally indulge in such type of crimes and offences,if you not still believe them study on this topic,research on this heading and read previous history of your society where you are living, yes this will / can clear on you the reality of sexual harassment and previous stories can who you the flash mirror of historical events because history about sexual harassment indicates there are equality in such crimes and offences NY born sexes.

Child abuse and sexual harassment is a highest degree offence and there laws and to control these offences with the laws and controlling bodies but because these crimes tale place in dark places,yes it is also raise the issues of honour in a society so if some body  committed crimes and offences then laws common action to punishment as society law orders.

Please think about Muslim society where religious com!and and control is all over the supreme power where all religious duties and responsibilities are under one Islamic personal law so in Muslim society there are negligible ratio of such crimes and offences as compare with others societies of the world.

In Muslim society all guidelines, all principles, all authorization, all command and control system regulating strategies and policies are control with the universal truths and common realities. But sexual harassment is forbidden in Islam and no one true Muslim can think to do such type of offence and crimes because these unnatural and these are violation of basic and fundamental rights of individuals especially beautiful young child.

Holy religious Islam "what says about sexual harassment in our final and last holy book", please read and act upon on these golden, universal and acceptable to all human being.


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