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 What is beauty?

Beauty and our eyes.

Beauty and interest.

Why beauty is so attractive.

Oh,what is beauty?,and why beautiful things attracts our eyesight and our mind set up towards itself. Although what  is unseen and hidden material ,qualities and properties process a body for attracting others towards itself as a like and this like sometimes converts in to interest, sometimes this beautiful body can enter in to the life of an individual that's only first glance look as a wonderful but later this beauty and beautiful body become interest and from mind arise Waves of achieving, accepting, proposing and transfer some kinds of ideas  in to reality. Yes every body in this world like some thing that is beautiful and attraction of beauty is full of wonderful wishes and wants that are dreams of future and future sometimes paved as a first nail in the life future history, sometimes beauty cause so serious and anguish side effects on human mind that those mind set ups fire words in the form of the poetry and wonderful combination of words. Although love with beauty is natural habit and every on like something in his or her life as a personal beautiful thing. Why only one thing and not more things, may be mind accept only only one like for ever but there are many individuals those likes many beautiful things. My main purpose of these lines is why beauty is attractive for one person while many others people dislikes that body,thing or material. Here important question is beauty is the name of positive or negative attraction such as live with a beautiful and young girl for completing sex quest,passing time with that beautiful girl and or foreplay

 with her is attraction of beauty, may be this is true for some life period when hot blood is circulating in the lover body

 and wise people suggest that,

There are a life time limit as in years,wishes and wants of beauty disappear from human brain such as someone is old than fifty years the beauty is negligible for his or her because body not accept and excites for arising negative or positive wants and wishes. Here the the attraction for the beauty is only for sexual purpose and as age grew old the weak bodies deny to accept the beauty of female or male "as lion is old no need of hot blood",

Same is true for " beauty attraction ",in the old age so concepts of beauty and beautiful things vanish from the screen of human mind. And yes this is true young age and youth time a proper and real time for love and if time have been passed and your age older them a special age period, wishes of love and beauty disappear. Yes in the old age all beautiful things like darker and darker because" beauty is in the eyes of subjects ,and if someone is without interior and internal passion of love,beauty and natural attraction is valueless because all are at need base and need arose from passions, wishes,wants and requirements of individuals life cycles circulation. So love for beauty is directly related with the age of people and young people are more passion full of love with beauty because internal structure and human body anatomy possess some kinds of chemicals but these are accordance with age,yes when these natural human body produce chemicals or also know as Harmon is essential for the basic cause of love with beauty. So beauty attraction factors are accumulate in human body till release as for the attraction of beauty especially love with beautiful face of negative sex because negative sex attracts positive magmatic power towards itself and but what next and future directions are determine by relevant conditions and on going situations.

Before entering in to further details of some simple assumptions are must to consider for understanding the hidden sides of "how beauty and beautiful things attracts the eyesight, mind strength, feeling and thinking power,entire coverage of ideas,even sometimes whole circle of individual activities orbit on only one thing and that is beauty, yes beauty and beautiful things coverage as a camouflage the all movements, weather these are natural or artificial type. Once again think about a beautiful young girl who is very charming and caring about natural and artificial type of beauty with cosmetic and chemicals on her beautiful face and walking through from a street yes then what happen with her,yes many eyes attracts with her beautiful face,some wish to put eyes in her eyes for struggling the lovely attraction of he attention, here wisdom, walking and talking manners, social status in society, her character especially previous character, relationship and many others nesting position are neglect by many individual and only beauty stand alone for attraction, but age, real colour, maps of body and face,morale strength or weakness, smiling ways,education level and some others schematic digs are vanish for while and only timely beauty comes first to attracts the attention of others peoples. Why?.

Here again attraction is cause to /from girl sides,girl natural beauty, girl artificial beauty or there are some other in the eyes of watching people that arose some hidden potential to watch girl  beauty. May be there are some kind of truth or only false assumption "beauty is in the eyes of observers", and beauty cause attraction of people attention.

" Natural beauty is natural cause of attraction ", and individual mind is not dead then natural beauty attraction naturally arise and individual watch things as natural habits and likes and dislikes are measure with some kinds of natural weighing so here age factor are impossible because some times natural beasties are impossible to buy or purchase with money or with the power of wealth. So these are common observation beauty is beauty and beauty best those who are lover of beauty.

" Beauty is to see not to touch", yes beauty is only for seeing and for watching not for regular toy for entertainment and enjoyment because there are limit and proper age of beauty. Yes if one try to touch the beauty regularly then beauty will not remains beauty but it will call toy and toy is for only enjoyment and entertainment of very poor and young minds. Remember beauty is like a flower that grooms for only sometime then beauty of flower disappear and beauty vanish as there was no such thing but memories of beauty remain stick fast in human brain for long last,why ?,may be there are some special empty spaces for the attraction of beauty and beautiful things, yes this this not only true for bird eye view on some type of beautiful things like human male or female sex but materialistic thing,natural scenery, wonderful scenario, music likeness and many other beautiful things catches the attraction of attention, but still the word "attention", and " attraction ", are not define, if these two words are define property them understanding about beauty and beautiful things magmatic powers are easy to feel and think but someone own observations can arise quarries that are answerable to own thinking and feeling because our brain can provide us those information and knowledge that's still unanswerable or there are lack of complete understanding such as we read and study many words and phrases but those are forgotten soon because those are purposeless then our own want and wishes arise to understand them as for knowledge and information, all these feeling and thinking can increase experiences and yes this is foundation and base for entering in to new world of understanding those things that are hidden and obscure till our new experience, likewise some one can not call a pious and nice human till the gaining of new knowledge and information about own and  all others related things such as natural of artificial.

" What is attention? ", and how attention arise spontaneously from human body,especially from center and controlling part of human body that's name as a " brain", and there are five sensitive of human body such as for hearing noise, three are prevent "human hear ', for looking some things three are present two eyes,for feeling and touching there are a camouflage of human skin,for testing the taste of of some thing Sweet or bitter, here are present" human tongue ", for understanding the smell of some thing there are present" human nose", that tell to our brain  what about the smelling fell of any type of new fragrance. Such as when a body is arising smell especially the "perfume smell", then our brain can detect the arising smell and cause some kind of action or reaction on own like,dislike and own wish. Remember there are some perfumes that attracts the attention of other individuals. Now we turn to our new topic such as what is a " attention? ".

Attention is a power of human brain to focus all five sensitive Waves at one point with full strength and powerful beam and cause purpose to accept the subject on his or her own will and accord. Although principles of telepathy are base at these assumption but need further experiments to reveals extra exception about this field because new field can provide us questions with details of answers than can complete our requirements of wish,wants and our own understanding of " human five sensitive power may be with all proofs and evidence of past and future. So here is is obvious that power PS attention can being changes and act of changes can clear the infirmity of faith about suggesting the word "attention" within meaning of details and force of human five sensitive with the agility of power of human brain.

Yes the next word is attraction that indicates the three different meaning with three force of power such as some one may divide as small attraction, median type attraction and very higher and power full attraction but calculation of probability is should base what type of facts and figures because without measuring of power in unit of strength is negligible till final results of evidence plus proofs of watching and caring of subjects as with movement of environmental factor associated with human mature and humans habits.

Yes there is power of attraction in our mind that attracts the beauty magmatic power and next step of chance is to accept beauty strength with entire patience and with whole heatedly because beauty fist cause of attraction them reliable to achieve the goals of feeling and thinking of mind suggestion. Yes beauty some times cause of full nesting to ignore the one negative side of subjects and accept only positive properties in objective of beauty magmatic power effects thoroughly. Why?. Because human consciousness compose of some kinds of qualities that's are still hidden and postulated for future requirements of human being.

But quest of beauty can arise and spontaneously produce in mind brackets where wishes,wants,demands and all requirements are accumulated but all those are series wise and may be at in grading scale of numbers as on inches tape to measuring some type of length or width but with purposeful subjections and objections.

Love with beauty is not only habits of adults people but very and very young mind can detect the beauty from ugly things, even young babies can put hands on only beautiful toys so little and young mind can also judge the beauty power but what are regalities with it ,are still obscure, although human psychology is so advance and modernize with the advancement of information technology, advance tools within suitable techniques, yes there are some questions and quarries about beauty are stii unanswered and need more attention for the welfare of human being.


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