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Friendship with

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 Our friendship and our survival.

Our life and our friendship.

Friendship and our behavior.

What friendship is?,and what friendship want

Friendship is a relationship that can cause improvements in our life only if it is base at positive thinking with positive behavior but on the other side it is curse,it is a monster, it is like a poison if friendship is run at negative sides. Although there are only two way of survival in future and these can someone life and these are negative paths. Please remember there are no third path between these two paths or two rods on that our life is running, yes positive way and negative ways,but sometimes "moderation', is improve batter but it here mean not to follow the negative sides of survival of future life but only positive ways, positive thinking, positive behavior and positive relationship at special point is under moderation. Yes our own every day analysis can play clear and import role to decide ,

How my past was friendly to me/for me,how my lesions about my present and for my future life " learned', yes what kind of experience gains for future survival, how those pints can bring changes in my future life, in short "my past life history what telling to me about myself",.

Please think for a while and suggest to yourself,

" Forgotten the past life history ",can cause help for improving my next coming life or this can increase" golden chances with past events to bring positive change in my life and in my thinking.

Present is not for sorrowing or for dispersing tears over past but to gain benefit from/with present here positive timely friendship with "present", can bring changes in our future life,but friendship must be lovely and accordance with situations.

"Pure friendship with own,with own health, with own habits, with own likes,with own dislikes, with own decisions making process, with own nature, with own drinking and thinking and with own measurable behavior especially" positive behavior ", can revolutionize our life till the end of life,

Please remember only positive friendship can cause changes in your life and this friendship must not with others people but with own soul and with own body,please not go for away and first think about your health, if your friendship with your health is friendly, favorable, accordance with sessions and your are careful about your "friendship with health", no matter how good,your life is like a kings life,here if your habits are nice,pious and friendly ,melodious free,and base at positive thinking points and views than you can enjoy your life batter than those whose habits are wrong,negative, harmful for others,sting as dangerous snake and play role like acrobat. Always remember first life then friendship with life is a worship because " without life is nothing,all things are with life,and suicide is a sin",.

"Friendship with health ", is a universal truth and if you friendship with live long or for ever then you can enjoy from all natural and artificial taste,you own feeling and thinking can improve because" healthy body contains fresh mind with fresh thoughts ", and sick body feeling, thinking and opinions are ill " as tree as fruit ", so common saying such as " health is wealth ",is true for all mankind bodies, I wish to increase one word extra and that word is " character ", and what is character?. Please leave it till next post on this blogspot "  So holy about human health and friendship with body health.

If some one health is safe and sound, without diseases and disorders,without some kinds or faults and defects then that someone is Lucky person in the world because due to environmental politician and unhealthy artificial food materials can affect the individuals health and if some one friendship with health is friendly and favorable with suitable "balance foods supplements", then it is a greatest gift to the health as a reward of friendship. So balance diet is an essential, important and necessary factor for improving the friendship with health.

If you not believe then ask the importance of health from sick people whose are dozing with medicines everyday twice or thrice, yes still you not believe on this universal truth then please one day visit the nearest hospital, dispensary or public point for treatment of sick people then you can understand the real cause of friendship with health because you will look,you will watch and you will observe the people crying with pain,and asking the value of health fro healthy people. Remember health is precious from all things, from all matters and from all golden chances because someone can achieve something with regular try except health,think medicines can recover the health but there are many side effects of every medicines as are invented in the world,medicines only relief for some time then again of diseases or disorders awake and cause,create and disturb the charming of life,all medicines are for savings live but there is no discover the real treatment of death and death is inevitable sooner or latter but it is our first and foremost duty and responsibility to" strong our real connections of friendship ", with our health.

Old age is a disorder and dieses because in old age our body many systems destroy by wasting energy in valueless works and old age cause to create many difficulties for us,but if our friendship with our health is strong and friendly then there are huge and heavy chances to achieve the goals of living life,charming life and glorious life fill with entertainments of enjoyments of every passing day.

How one can live long and how someone came enjoy healthy life,how one can gain from this blessing of God,yes only by accepting the natural laws of nature and avoiding from artificial foods every day,in simple words " balance food supplements as natural remedies for good health. We save our self from artificial and man made foods  till natural eatables materials are available where your are living. These artificial foods supplements and overeating habits destroy our body system health so is is every one responsible to teach others people "what is the value of good and excellent health",.

Once again turn on the real topic" friendship with own health", is not not golden habit for body health that is combination or compartment of eleven systems regulating our body in such a way as no one can cross over each other and by the will of God these are performing duties with proper feed back in the form of pain and dieses. But still not we think about the health of our brain. What kind of wave our brain can not suggest and it is our duty to accept or ignore that suggestion sooner or latter but pious friendship with our own body health can bring changes as with age and time to strong these relationship with our friendship of our body. Even our body beauty is under the entire influences of our health and if health go on ruin there are no treatment or remedy to recover it in proper and real state because natural things has no alternative in nature and mature can ignore someone,if someone disobey the natural rules, natural laws and natural regulations.

So after reading this post please think there is honest and best friend other then "own health', so be careful about your health, your foods and your ways of walking but essential and important point is " mind health'", if your mind health is in full swing then your ways of thinking is batter then those who are laying of the "death bed", and waiting for the end of life as " death", yes all disappear with death and if remain something left is,what? What ?,what ?,what? And what?


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