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Sex drive time and food stuff

Sex drive time and our health. Sex and human life. Food stuff and sexual health. As you eat well, you expel well enough.  


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Some lines,some objectives.

Lines with words and our understanding.

Always try to learn something new every day. line can Chang life and life habits.

Words are powerful and meaningful tools associate with discharge empty minds,although mind are not empty but unaware of many different meaning with the purposeful force for understanding. Although there is northing is objective less but all are full of some thing new. For understanding new thing,new experiences, new changes,new quarisity, new knowledge, new information and new ways of spending life. Nothing in this world is unmeaning and extra other than usefulness and understanding there reality and real purpose. Yes lines are meaningful when words are golden,great and to the point. Only words can change and improve individuals lives. Here words indicates and denotes that real powers are in words and when these words are combines as lines then meaning and purpose are clear and obvious for those people who want to learn something new and understanding for new experiences. If some body is learning about computer technology and during study period some kinds of questions appear in his or her mind but at that times the answers of those questions and quarries are not available at same that time,but again after some days someone study new things and study related materials, and come across the answers of past time think questions "real OE relate", answers are available during that study period, meaning here is very clear" thinking is answerable but with the passage of some time periods ", at once and suddenly only some answers can be available but fully and complete understanding need some time to become familiar and information about that ,that are able to bring changes in individuals life. Yes here our real purpose is what about words and what about phrases. Can a complete sentence can being change in individual life as common saying is" word on time save from problems of future ",and learning process can increase understanding, experiences, knowledge, information and as " practice make the man perfect ", So here thinking about or writing words,spoken words and phrases, learning and understanding procedures and love with the practice table regular and thoroughly study about relate material can cause gain of benefits from words and phrases and then lines indicates the right path for traveling in future life period. But why?. Here word why," completely describes the meaning of words,phrase and lines,but in why way and how to choose criteria for learning new things,new points,new facing problems salvation possibility and more so first success of satisfaction, that can cause changes in individuals lives and in this way individuals lives gain much and climax level of satisfaction and assurances.

If you are new and not justify with above suggestions please study here further and stay with me for a while, may be you learn the power of word with dignity of words. But here first and fore most learn some new hints about words and these are as.
(1)Where store the words in human brain?
(2) in which form and morph these words are store in our minds.(here science and human brain describes many different ways with many different logic and with different philosophy, but why?
(3) what is reality of word and words shapes, style,and size in human brain.
(4) when we spear words from mouth what circulation's are move in human brain,although some one is on the point or some one is making errors and speaking wrong words.
(5) How words can effects the understanding ability of individuals?
(6) why we need meaning of different words?
(7) Why some one is not familiar with others languages words?
(8) Native language and other words and learning process of new words.
(9) "new words new changes", possible and these can bring what kinds of positive changes in individuals lives?.
(10) Our life and role of words. In what way someone can accepts and understand new words and how many new words are necessary for learning.
(11)Words provides proofs and evidences for the shape of new understanding.
So here lines describes you some information, knowledge and understanding about those questions as are written above. So please study this long post and forward you questions, quarries and suggestions about lines, please don't forget to share with others people, and on social media such as on Facebook and on Twitter.
Lines are


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