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Drive with care

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Always drive with care.

Human life is unconvertible.

Please always think about your life.

Driving of a vehicle and life safety.

If someone is owner of a vehicle and drive with care,yes in this way someone is not only saving his or her own life but others people lives are making safe and sound because only little neglecting some health related factors, road safety rules and regulations, laws and orders situations and environmental conditions. Please think about a car driving on the long busy road,here if driver health is not safe and sound then some type of road accident is possible because driver health is basic,essential, important and "all in one" factors form all others related causes. Please think about a driver health first and then try to make your own suggestions about driving on the road. "Road safety is first and foremost", for saving own life with others people lives who are travelling on the road on foot or driving cars,motorcycles, long vehicles, passengers buses and likewise heavy or short vehicles. If you are driver or like to drive some kinds of vehicle, please first of all think about your health, daily foods eating,sleeping time periods,disciplines, rules,regulations and driving environmental conditions. Here foods stands alone as first and foremost factor that improve, save and increase understanding about driving on the road. Salty foods that increase the blood pressure of a driver are very dangerous for the " safety of road driving ", because salty foods increase the blood pressure of driver can if driver blood pressure is very high than those scales that's are formulated for driving with safety on the road. So please before making a plain of driving and especially long run driving eat those foods that's not cause increasing blood pressure. Why someone not drive if someone eat salty foods and those foods that are not suitable for human health because " if blood pressure increase during driving a vehicle human brain can't transfer instructions to others human body system and subsystems, please think about a blood pressure patient driver is driving a car and in that car some others family members of his or her friends are also traveling with him in that care and during driving driver blood pressure increase and touch the climax point of blood pressure scale then with driver all others lives are at high risks because during driving a car driver can ignore the mind instructions and accident may occur. Because all salts can increase and cause of increasing human blood pressure so avoid to eating salty foods while or during marking a plain to/of/for driving on road. White salt OE mine salt with a chemical formula NaCl or sodium chloride is very dangerous for driving and driver health,here not not this salt is dangerous but some others foods are cause of increasing human blood pressure such a those foods that's are grown on salty water because salty water contents and contamination can increase the amount of salts in that foods contents. As there are some types of vegetables that also cause "increase in human blood pressure", are forbidden to enjoy from those. Sometimes foods is simply and safe for driving but for increasing the taste of foods some vehicle driving drivers increase the amount of some extra white or pink salt,yes this is harmful and dangerous for driving health. There some people who blood pressure is always remain at higher points than those as are determine by experts and specialist for driving safe and sound on roads,for example some fat drivers are sick with blood pressure disorder and can cause road accident. So it is driver duty and responsibility to check the blood pressure from a doctor before driving a vehicle, may be a doctor suggest his or her some medicines or chemicals that can control the blood pressure during driving time period. Because a doctor batter know to human body than others people.

Some important information are as under,

If some body age is under eighteen years are not allow to drive some kinds of vehicles on the road so age factor is first and foremost factor that allow or stop to drive on roads because accident may be occur and some lives can be lost.

Of someone age is less then twenty two years are not allow to run or drive some kinds of "public service transport", or " passengers moving vehicles such as buses, coaches and trucks on the roads and there are limits for achieving the "public travelling transport license", as for gaining such kind of licence require some " light driving motors license ",with some years of experience,and on spot driving test passing is essential plus some type of interview is necessary because no authority want to increase" road accident ",in their areas. Human life are unconvertible and death rate can increase the in experience driving.

If some one age is elder than fifty years,or a driver who age is greater than fifty years require a " fitness certificate ",that clearly describes and indicates the eyesight conditions, blood pressure regulation ,entire body health and vehicle driving conditions. Why?, because over fifty years age can disturbs the human body system and subsystems that are essential in coordinating with each others at full swing and age factor is very essential because health with passage of time can cause many problems for human body. If driver health is not safe and sound, health conditions are showing some sickness appearances then please don't sit and travel in that road passenger train.

So it is important caution for you,about your life, for your life and saving yourself from some kinds of roads accidents,please travel in those trains,buses and coaches who drivers are seems healthy, with well eyesight conditions, knowing reputations of ex driving  experience and about the driving licence of driver. Remember if driver is with out licence, without good ,safe and sound health,without experience, without with the knowledge and information of roads safety, without holding valid driving licence, without complete sleeping hours,without suitable tools and techniques about driving, then please don't travel with him until your are satisfy about safety regulations of the road and driver health conditions.

Another important information here is that'd first observe the external conditions of train, buss or coach then set on the seat and pay fair for traveling. Some times very greedy person run on the roads those passenger vehicles that's are out of order and some time in wrong state, so please always make complete sure before sitting on your seat,your traveling motors is "up-to-date, with fitness certificate and is allow to run on the road for moving passengers from one point to am other point. Please thoroughly observing the outer most conditions of vehicle can indicates the entire health of that vehicle such as tyres air tightness, decoration looking and driver first of all driving behavior.

Here seed is also very glowing and indicating factor that fully determine the " road safety conditions, road paving situations and road sign board indicates the driving direction with miles stones of distention. That's are satisfactory terms for safe and sound traveling.

Instructions set for a successful ,active,efficient, agile and on time making decisions about driving a vehicle is as under,

First eat those foods that's not increase the blood pressure.

Second if your are under age,upper age limit don't try to drive a vehicle.

Thirdly at during driving time your health is not well then please not drive.

Fourthly if you don't hold a driving licence, don't try to drive some kinds of motor vehicles unless your "driving licence", is approve by authorities.

Fifthly if your eyesight is less then approve standards of relevant time period.

If you think your practices for driving is complete and your are able to save your own life and others people lives and you are completely fit for such task then drive.

But always remember before driving a vehicle check the different working parts of a motor vehicle such a oil,engine oil,lubricant, inside deriving accessories are complete, make sure all systems and related sub systems are coordinating with each others and lighting system is working well,if these factors are satisfactory state then drive the vehicle otherwise if some parts are showing irregularities or disturbing with higher noise wave are not suitable for driving.

A driver must be an active and agile at every time of instance because driver duties and responsibilities are saving lives of others peoples, passengers, drivers,helping and coworkers lives,and driver own life. Please again remember here again" always drive with care because others people kids, family, friends are waiting for safe and sound journey ", So always sit on starring seat while your are completely fit for this driving job.

With safe and sound driving your are not only saving your own life but others people lives are not at high risk because others people think you can try your best to reach at final destination with satisfy state.

Please be note if your are passengers driving vehicle driver don't try to cross the speed limit because rule,disciplines, regulations, road controlling authorities know batter about selecting the speed values for driver during driving because there are some roads there are no heavy and busy traffic, so always read caution board or billboards erecting on the road sides indicates directions with some instructions such after ten Tims drive there are dangerous turn ,so avoid high speed driving. More so with high speed driving can cause many different kinds of roads accidents such as while passing or crossing a vehicle ,one side of vehicle can graze with opposite direction coming vehicle.

"Cell phone and driving",

Don't hear a call from cell phone set this can also cause some kinds of roads accidents because when someone buy in making or hearing call from mobile set then all his or her attention can be involves in that task and real and life saving purpose can be ignore. Here what is the " attention ", focusing five sensitive at one and only one point is call " to make or point an attention ",in some others simple words if human attention divide in some others parts and shares then real task of driving can be lost. So it is batter for your own life and others people lives don't use mobile cell phone during driving. Here it is best for your future driving cautions please switch of your mobile cell phone before setting on the seat of driving tools. If someone think cell phone set coming call is essential and necessary for attending the coming call then please break on with switch of your driving on the one side of road then make enjoy and attend your call in very happy and easy way. Likewise reading text message from mobile cell phone screen during driving is very very dangerous for driver life because driver can busy with mobile cell phone text message and attention can concentrate as a total at only one point. This can cause road accident. More so during driving noisy music is very dangerous for driver life because some time during hearing and enjoying music driver internal body stimulation can cause lower ness in blood pressure and in this way driver can lost entire control from driving vehicle movements. Some driver use "hand free", for entertainment and enjoying music while driving a vehicle on the road, this can also cause many complexities and difficulties for driver life and with others people lives. Always remember for you" your own life is very important, as are others people lives. Here not only human saving life essential but all living creatures lives are like your own life. Please here think as a responsible driver and driving on the road and during driving a very long feet snake appear from one side of road and is crossing the road as in zigzags direction, your try to crush and kill the snake under your vehicle tyres and end the life of that snake at that same spot,here may be your answer can be  "no", why because life of a snake is like your own life and it is every one responsibility to save all creatures lives,because all those living creatures feel pain like your, want make  enjoy from their lives and wish to take drops of  pity from all cruelty of human being. And it is duty and responsibility of all human being try to save lives of all others living creatures whether these are very small creatures or very big mass creatures.

Some others cautions and care includes" complete your sleeping", time period if you want to drive on the road as a successful driver. More than eight hours sleeping is must for performing driving functions of human body. If your sleeping is still incomplete and your are feeling dewiness due to  in complete sleeping please care for yourself and others peoples lives. Your incomplete sleeping can cause many dangerous and serious accidents that can spoil your own life with others peoples lives. So be careful about your sleeping intervals because these factors can play important and essential role in a successful driver driving life cycle.

Use of different medicines and different chemicals can also cause of damage of driver health especially as for "driver eyesight", and per minutes heart beat rate,such as smoking can raise blood pressure and regular smoking cause cancer for human body. So if you want and like to call  a successful driver in your future life and your wish is as a successful driver you must avoid from smoking, uses of different chemicals, dosing with different medicines, injection different harmful injectable liquids in you body and body blood veins.

Over speed and running a vehicle with very highest speed on the road is dangerous and such practice can arise many probabilities for road accidents. So please avoid from highest speed while driving on the road especially as for very long journey. Control your vehicle speed with what kinds of situations are ahead waiting for for hidden possibilities.

Weather conditions and weather relate forecast are also important and essential factor for drivers life because sometimes unfavorable weather conditions can arise difficulties for driving the vehicle such rain,thundering, high speed air blowing,unrepaired road conditions, others drivers driving behavior and understanding about area roads turning. In some kinds of vehicles with driver seat two more seats are fix for the setting of two other passengers for gathering more fair as more money. Sleeping with affiliate seat of driver can also cause very dangerous sides effects for others peoples lives. So please if you are traveling and setting on near driver seat don't disturb the drive with random talks and play with drama conversation because in such way driver can loose control over the vehicle speed and cause road accidents. Always try to study those materials that's are realeted with driving cautions, driving disciplines, driving behavior, driving rules and regulations, driving laws and especially dealing with traffic police regulations that changes time to time without some kind of awareness to drivers and for vehicles owners.

"Public transport licence ", " light vehicles driving licence", "learning driving licence", and knowledge and information about these are must to/for the understanding of all drivers.

Sometimes during driving driver come across very dangerous and harmful effects of respective climatic situations such as passing, crossing and running on the road of " hills area ",where climate change can disturb the behavior and driving mood of a driver,so be very conscious about climatic effects on human body health. Yes there are present some kinds of minerals that can cause the poisonous effects through breathing in that's areas air and those minerals can damage the human health, driver health, passengers health and more so driving health qualities.

Some areas climate is friendly and favourable for driver health and these climatic affects can impress driver mood to increase speed of driving vehicle yes it will be dangerous? states,conditions and situations also depends upon the seasonal ,environmental and weather conditions of that areas.

If you are driving from unhealthy climatic area them safety equipment use and avoid to change the situational behavior, try to accept the relevant situations because if you are driving passenger train, coach,bus or others vehicle and all passengers lives depends upon your driving state,conditions and driving activity.

As a driver please try to accept the challenges of rainy session because during rainy session the rain drops can dim the front screen of driving vehicle and can cause different kinds of road accidents so please make on time plans to over come with such kinds of situations,because a successful, agile and active driver first and foremost duty and responsibility is to save his or her own life as with all others passengers lives those are travelling in that vehicle.

Understanding about the different running parts of vehicle machinery knowledge and uses are must and essential because during driving if some kinds of defects or faults arise in vehicle can has ability to remove them on time without wastage of some time of interval because manay passengers want to attend their duties at time and some of them want to reach at last and final destination as safe and sound conditions.

Like every one driver is a father,driver is a son or a daughter, driver is a mother of some kids,driver is a living creatures and here in this world are performing and completing duties and responsibilities like all other human being. No one driver like to accept the situations where dangers are present and one can face such kind of dangers. But unfortunately people try to think after some kinds of accidents the driver is sole responsible for that cause but it is misunderstanding and lacks of knowledge, no one can try to destroy lives of others people and driver his or her own life is very import because driver is driving not only vehicle but also lives of others people as with the lives of his or her sons and daughters, mother,father, brothers,sisters and some of them close relatives.

Life is life enjoy life with lives and entertain others as you are responsible for their happiness.


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