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Home Decoration

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 Home decoration and our life.

Decoration and our likes.

Home decoration and society.

How to learn "Home decorated,", hints,help and compression.

Here every one like beauty and decoration, although beauty is natural and decoration is artificial as are shape by human. Natural beauty is much attractive than artificial beauty because nature provides sources in decorating different things, different materials and different shapes. Natural sources are pour sources without any impunity so human eyes are familiar with natural beauty.Artificial beauty is time and situations base decoration and in some causes the decorated body look very ugly when artificial decoration remove or disappear from related body and decoration of body repents on some special factor such as colors and mixing of different combinations of natural or laboratory made colours. Artificial or man made colours have a limits for time periods as a " life period", when life period end then artificial decoration disappear and reality is observe when such kind of decoration complete the life period. Other then these arranging different thing,managing different articles, putting some thing at suitable and relevant place and making proper planning for purposeful goals and aims are decoration of our home. Yes if some body want to decorate home here it all depend upon his or her wishes,wants,feeling,thinking, arranging, managing, comprising with others and understanding with arrangement of different home articles accordance with shape,placement and position of different articles at suitable and relevant places. Home beauty whether natural or artificial decoration depends on suitable and proper arrangement. And main purpose is home articles look like natural beauty+the home owner interests of loving and linking of beauty especially as a natural way.
Whether home is very large such as spreading on thousands of square feet's of very small such of only some square foots,very large or very wide,no matter but only"home and home articles arrangement is important ",other then reflecting reality of decoration as artificial or natural. Although mind set denotes the the owner or living persons personality, behavior and habits,as of why type and as of what kinds.
Please go away watch your around near you,there may be a car decorated for bringing a bridal from some where. Here car beauty and timely decoration indicates the happiness of those people who are arranging as for some amount of money spending on the decoration of a car and here purpose is for bringing a girl for a groom.
Home and Homs decorations are as old as human civilization. Might be when first couple came on exist on earth,those eyes would first watched the beauty of natural and a part of their wishes,wants, demands and used of them. what is beauty and what is decoration?. And thinking about these arise some one to accepts the challenges,tasks,goals,competition and survival in society. Looking best than others and then those who are achieving the goals of home decoration.
If someone home is looking so attractive then, then others people can/will respect and like his or her.
Home Decoration skill
Home decoration skills consists of three types of skills and these skills are known as "home decoration conceptual skill", " home decoration technical skills","home decoration for/about people skill",but all these skills associates values only with norms,customs and society conditions. Think about a poor family home decoration conditions because poor family financial conditions are not in favor to buy suitable and costly furniture for home regular facilities such can try to arrange different available home and households thing arrangement in such a way ,as no on can judge the family financial conditions during visiting of others peoples, family members and others relatives. Upper class families financial facilities are in favor of and friendly for purchasing new things and materials for the decoration of homes. And those families homes are much attractive than middle class families. Yes here these all depends upon society norms and customs. There are some societies in the world where families lives in a joint family system and home decoration conditions are not so well and suitable because there every individual has own likes and dislikes,so these likes and dislikes play imports role in selecting different arrangement and choosing different paint colours. Here if norms and customs are well verse and in favor of environmental conditions them decorations are attractive and accordance with cooperation of/for society.
Choosing colours and home decoration.
Choosing colours and selecting suitable paint colour is very difficult process because families consists of males and females family members and every family member like to choose his or her own favourite colours and sometimes those fogets the normal or abnormal situations of others members likes and dislikes.
Although external look of home is for others and internal home decoration is for inhabitants, those are living in that home and enjoying lives in those homes. Here external home decoration must be match with others peoples home but internal home decoration is to facilitate himself such as growing indoors flowers,herbs and shrub. These little flowering plants increase natural beauty and provides fresh and pollute free air and is batter for human health. In home decoration lighting and lighting tools and home appliances must be fix at suitable places in insides home. These can increase attractiveness for others peoples like your,like you and observe you basic skill of home decoration.
Bad smell or pungent smell are in home must be at separate and some for away position and placement because fist it pollution and second your health can damage by these smells.
Although home consists of many rooms with basic facilities such as attach bathrooms and flesh system, always try to clean the with antibacterial liquids and these liquids are easily available in market.
Internal home decoration is must because incoming gusts can observe and watch your inter personal skill,zeel and zest,interest in beauty and decoration and your habits,yes after estimating these accessories some can raise hand for you for you and your further future relations and relationship. So if you wish,yes if you want,yes if you like others people like you,interest in you,interest in your habits, please take keen interest to decorate home accordance with time requirements, for others peoples attraction and for successful relationship process with others peoples.
Remember costly furniture, costly materials, costly home appliances, costly home,costly home paints colours are unimportant till your own behavior for understanding the beauty and decoration is important for your own health, for your own babies,for your own kids and for your own family members.
Home decoration and artificial flower are not essential for home decoration only arrangements and managing things as serial wise at time and suitable place is real home decoration because others peoples can praise for you only watching you out Homs conditions, colours, nights and home front garden. Internal decoration can improve your health, your habits and your understanding about interest in decoration of things.
Home decoration process must be regularly revise on special intervals of times,such where to place the wave of chairs and tables for the setting of family members and where are arrange these facilities for incoming guests.
Please think about dining tables decoration,if there is a charming and very attractive colours cloths are spread on those tables then the gusts can realize that your are civilise and well educated person,if those covering cloths are dirty then nobody form guests will eat something because hunger can die with dirty environment. And in this way no good impression is cast on those peoples.
Boys or girls like home decoration.
Both males and females like home decoration but young girls prefer home decoration than boys. Although I not know the answers for such kinds of questions. Again I repeat these questions here for your further thinking, observing,watching,estimating,and increasing knowledge.
These questions are here as under,
(1) Males like home decoration, why?.
(2)Females likeh home decoration, why?.
(3)Boys like home decoration, why?.
(4)Girls like home decoration, why?.
(5) Girls prefer home decoration than boys,why?.
(6)Home decoration is necessary for attracting the attention of others peoples (!)?.
(7)Home decoration and Gardening such as growing flowers in home for increasing the home beauty?
Please reply in English language.
Thank you so much


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