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Sex drive time and food stuff

Sex drive time and our health. Sex and human life. Food stuff and sexual health. As you eat well, you expel well enough.  


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Increase your knowledge.

Knowledge and Action.

First knowledge or action.

Education and actions.

Learn something new every day.

"Life is large and wide ground for learning something new every day at every instances".

" knowledge lead actions or actions leads knowledge ", and what about these?

Yes how someone think about the long sentence such as " knowledge guides actions or actions guides someone to learn something new", here these some lines describe you about "what is reality about these self quarries?.

Knowledge is essential and necessary to learn something new at the instance is every step of an individual life,but sometimes" learning process ", and especially " need base learning increase experience that improve guidelines for future practice and practical work. But still first question remain at empty space as knowledge, information and skill is base for actions or learning and understanding about something new or only learning can increase experience and practical work as a complete and complex tasks,and there is no need of knowledge as a theoretical or theory base class room knowledge. If someone wish to think and observe the valuable and life improving information, first and foremost define the word "knowledge and knowledge importance", then collect data about these suggestions. Yes there are also very huge numbers of people those think only practices are must for gaining and learning new things and new materials and knowledge is not necessary because practice and practical work can increase experience as with time and making hands with those practices and practical work. Here we come again to our main question such as" knowledge guides actions or actions guides knowledge ",may be here mention line is easy then those as are describes in above discussion. Although this question is not for " low levels minds and average levels mind",but this thinking is batter for those people who want to change lives with the help of knowledge and actions such as understanding something new about something or those causes that arise during learning process. Some scholars and experts claimed that knowledge is guide for learning and learning and regular learning increase experience with life period as life days passed,so in front of those experts knowledge is a basic and fundamental key to opening the doors for learning, understanding about something new,arising practical work directions, preforming practices and in this way making life easier with practice, as some wise people says "practice make the man perfect", so only and only practice or actions can increase knowledge, yes in these experts opinions suggests that knowledge is not necessary for learning something new only practice can make the man perfect. Although these discussions are long but very infomatic and actionable because knowledge from books,knowledge from teachers, knowledge from libraries is not extra except then for making practices and practical work as are describes in words on pages and on books catalogues.

But still our question" knowledge is first and foremost key for opening the doors of practices or only practices are much for learning something new I'm individuals lives".because as there are two sides of one paper Page and someone can study one side or other sides but someone can't separate these pages from each others same is true for "knowledge+actions", " practices+knowledge ", and same is also true for/on practical.

Knowledge with practices.

Theory only describes and provide proper ways of learning something new and arise with original objectives of understanding about practical works. More so theory is a leading and guiding path for learning skills and promotions of options that's stand first all alone in the eyes of learning ground and learning world. Here typical example is,please think about the " learning skill of computer ",if someone only study books,hear lectures in class rooms,only gain first hand theory of computer technology or computer programming language,study different chapters about understanding and learning for computer, yes it will be useless until theory words convert in to practical work such as making algorithms, practice for making different programming language projects and sharing knowledge with seniors or with friends. Only learning can cause benefits for someone only if those are base at practical work and practice make the learners perfect till end of student life or increase knowledge and information in further future life.

Please think about a student who only study about computer and not complete practice or everyday practical work on computer, yes some one may not learn something about computer only with theory but with practice can learn about computer easily because theoretical guidelines and leading ways of understanding can make " two in one", or ",two two makes made go", so someone can gain benefits of gaining and learning at same time.

Please think someone who want to learn computer skill with practice and without theoretical guidelines as are in books and in guides books,yes it will also useless till some basic understanding of theory is must as this provide proper ways of understanding, learning, and knowing something new about computer technology. If you are student of computer science and want to make future in such field then with study complete practices and practical work on computer because only theoretical knowledge can't completely guides about such field or only practices are not enough for learning about computer easily because these are two sides of one paper and someone can't separate these two sides of one page through any way,through with some criteria or some kinds of methodologies. So as a student of computer learning skill it is necessary and must to make everyday practices with such type of advance technology.

But still our question" knowledge guides for actions or actions provide right path for learning something new",is obscure and in darkness,why because every individuals life is different from others people of society and furthermore evey one situations are different from others people of same class.

We not go in details still not only observe the driving of vehicle by a skill person"driver",who is running some type of vehicle on the road,although(may be) he or she is not well and highly educated but learning skill and practices meke him or her to drive a passenger traveling vehicle on the roads with full safety and security, here driving vehicle is a proof of learning about something new with practice and here "driving license", insure the security of the life of all passengers, now turn your side of thinking and now observe the driving of a jet in space with high speed,with loading of thousands of passengers,moving many lives from one place to another destinations, here pilot " air bus driving license+experience ",indicates the successful driving of air bus,here also knowledge and practical work and practices indicates that knowledge is must and foundation of learning something new,only knowledge can't make a man perfect but practice is essential because without these two" sides of page",someone can't call a skillful person. Here associate thing is "experience", and how experience can cause to arise the inner abilities of person who wish to become a successful person in life. Here will be some tips and techniques that describes the foundation for understanding these facts and figure.

Experiences and knowledge

Experience can also cause of wisdom and knowledge, as experience increase with the passage of some time period individuals gain some more hand practice with practical experience+knowledge, here knowledge is not the theoretical knowledge but it is practical work +experience and such types of practices can make a man perfect and familiar with some kinds of new understanding+learning some things new,but all these depends upon situations and conditions of learning environments, basic understanding of alphabetical of relay field,zeal and zest of individual and more so wish to learn some thing new, quest of invention of new things, that's are necessary for the age of individuals lives but bringing changes in an individual life knowledge about something+with experience is must for success and future life period successful days. Weather only only experiences and knowledge is final requirement of last stage of climax of " success ",it may be not true here,because try try again and revision of previous learning, previous experience and with previous knowledge can glorifies the life time success in individuals lives,so as experience increase knowledge and knowledge glorify experience, practices and practical work,wishes and wants for/about learning something new is essential remedies, treatment and final doze of success in/for individuals lives,but still our question about " knowledge leads actions or action leads knowledge ", is still in thrust conditions and obscure stages of state where some one can not filly and completely understand the exceptions among these philosophies. Here main and foremost question is again still in empty space,why?,because no one can learn some thing new with out knowledge because knowledge provides basic and fundamental guidelines for learning something new with experience and relate actions or pieces of practices are not complete without understanding of alphabetical process and fundamental skill. So understanding arise with knowledge and knowledge raise the actions and these actions glorifies the experience. Still equipment of real question is for away from above discussion and here need some more observations, some more flex and to the point thing,brainstorming about knowledge and actions, but someone can claim with glorious words such as" without knowledge no one can learn and further future activities are under the shadow of knowledge tree and this tree in early stages provides exact and fix keys for future actions, future activities and cementing the future life of individual as are requirements of time and age, as accordance with relevant situations.

But still no answer for/about real question "first knowledge or first activities and actions", yes these are unsolved philosophy and philosophy is the elder sister of religious, so here again we try to increase our understanding about above hidden philosophy, obscure answering,limitations of circle and limited understanding,So(may be)religious point of view can open the hidden philosophy, difficult riddle and logic of question. Here what about religious knowledge?, religious knowledge also is a duty,responsibility and basic of faith. Religious is a practice and it is the name of faith that arise from human brain,because religious knowledge is a practical knowledge as Muslims says five time prayers in a day and it is religious command from Allah. Religious practices are not only real,first and foremost duties but arise actions to perform theses duties. In Muslim religious " Holy Quran ", saying of our holy prophet, commands of Allah as are describe in holy book are knowledge+practices and without these pious practices no one can call a Muslim because knowledge+actions are essential here for religious practices. Because knowledge is pious and real so actions will be clear,pious, safe and sound, and provides guidelines for become a true Muslim.


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