Shoulder stitching faults Skip to main content

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Shoulder stitching faults

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 Like all others sewing industries knitwear garments stitching of garment start in stitching flow as feeding from cutting department. In stitching flow timely strategic are implemented for sewing garments as the requirements of related buyers. During stitching of garments in stitching flow unit some tools+improved sample of related garments presentation is must,because accordance with sample and buyers requirements, garments produce and for quality purpose, quality control department introduce some policies+strategies that's are basic, first and foremost tools for improving garments quality representation and quality standers. Because "Quality" first and important definition is "free from defects and faults". And garment produce in stitching flow must be free from faults,because no buyer can accept faulty pieces of garments because buyer buy the garments as reword of amount of money and remember nobody want to spend money on faulty product of knitted garments.

Because in knitwear garments industry, start of garments production is flow of serial wise industrial machines. Start of garments from stitching of back+front within each other on the " over lock "industrial sewing machine,so strict care must be taking by the over lock operator and quality control department related person, the products should be accordance with sample. Because first operation of garments stitching start from attaching of shoulder and if shoulder stitching process are not monitor/regulate as per standers, there must be chances of faulty garments. So during stitching following faults can appear.

1) During stitching of shoulder operation on over lock machine, there must be no shady part of garments, as sometimes front and back of garments are shady,mean back and front colour are different with each other. In furthermore details there should not be shady shoulder parts attach with each be care full about this fault.

2)During stitching of garments shoulders, special care and awareness must be caution on sewing thread,because sometimes shady thread are issued by mane store and stitching of the shoulder starts from shady thread. Sometimes DTM(dye to match) thread is requirement of the buyer and sometimes PDF(prepare for dye) thread use for stitching garments shoulders. So please be remember" shade thread" is a critical fault.please be aware to this critical faults.

3) Next fault of stitching garments shoulders are "stitch bite,because because sometimes shoulders are cover with flats lock chain stitch, and if over lock stitch bite as proper as with sample then during flat lock operations edge will appear as a " raw edge"that is sometimes not acceptable to some buyers. So be fateful.

4)stitch per inch (SPI) must be per stander as requirement of garments and related buyers. Sometimes in some industrial garments unit only ten spi is enough but thoroughly it depend upon requirements of buyers but quality controller must monitor the spi of shoulder every after two hour and introduce "spi stander cards" and attach with over lock shoulder sewing machine,as must be signed from operators, quality related person and also production related manager.

5)An visible and important fault is "puckering" and "gathering" on shoulders. If over lock machine adjustment not calibrate as per stander of sample or adjustment of shoulder sewing machine is not properly monitor regularly after special time interval then this critical faults appears and can cause rejection of whole garments because shape and look of knitted garments damage this ugly fault. Furthermore this fault can cause total rejections of shipment of garments to buyers. so beaware and be care full about this critical fault.

6)Chewing stitching,during stitching of garment shoulders at the over lock machine, if over lock machine foot pressure is more then the requirements of stitching shoulders then feeddogs teeth can damage the "shoulders" and in this way a new fault appear on  garments shoulders. So before starting of shoulder operation on over lock machine, please check the garments stitching machine foot pressure on raw fabric pieces,if any kind of irregularly appear, consult with senior quality control officer and adjest machine foot pressure accordance with sample and quality control department introduce requirements. This fault can cause regular stain like spot on shoulders that's are not acceptable any way,sobe awar about these faults.

7)Remember if shoulder operation is not stitching as per stander of sample,if not complete tril and  run process many different kinds of others faults appears in knitwear garments stitching flow,so quality control department introduce new instructions for every new knitwear garments shoulders.

8)Basic principle of shoulder operation is very critical process and even little error can damage the whole garments, even whole order and these errors can cause of rejection of whole garment shipment.

Some important and crucial articles will appear here on these posts,that's teach new commer "how to stitch new garments" especially 24 faults of garments shoulders that come across during stitching of garments at over lock machine.

For quality control department some important and necessary articles will be introduce soon on these pages.

If you you are directly or indirectly related with quality control department, please study these blog posts every day because I shall updates these blog posts every day at regular intervals.

Please read these posts and share with friends on social media such as facebook,Twitter and Instagram.


  1. What are name of the needle of
    Please completely guide me.i am new commer in this field.

    1. Please always remember and be note here very carefully, first about the abbreviations of these words as you mentions in your comments.
      O/L stand for over lock
      F/L stand for flat lock
      L/S stand for lock stitch.
      Needle use for over lock industrial machine is known as DC and number associated with these needles are as under,
      9/65. 11/75. 14/90
      For flat lock industrial sewing machine needles name is TV or Dv. And number/figures associated with these are as under,
      DV or TV. 9/65. 11/75. 14/90
      And,now at last about the needles use for lock stitch industrial sewing machine are
      DB,and the number associated with these needles are as under,
      DB 9/65. 11/75. 14/90
      Further I shall tell you about in a new post/article, about "button machine needles", " Buttons Hole", machine needles, and some about others needles that are used for industrial sewing machine such as for "taking machine", or " over taking machine ",.


  2. What is different between quality controller/inspector and quality editor ?
    Please explain in details

    1. Dear here are not so much space on these comments posts to describe the difference between/about quality inspector (quality controller) and about quality editors duties,responsibilities, competencies and about abilities in fully detail here. But for common understanding I try to differentiate those in some little words. Further try to learn/understand about quality inspector and about quality editors through live experiencing the "working environment" of those related job description.
      But always remember,
      Quality inspector are directly related with the production of garments in knitwear units ,but
      Quality editors inspects ready garments, here it mean quality controllers produce knit garments accordance with sample and quality editors checks knitwear garments as per sample after producing of garments from line flow. Yes I shall try to write some about those in full details in an other blog posts.please always study these my blogs post and try to "brainstorm" about your experience every day because "practice make the man perfect",.

  3. What is unit of buttons?
    Please explain in details .

    1. Unit of Buttons is known as
      "Ligne" and this French word is represented as capital "L", and there are many different type of Buttons such as two hole Buttons and four hole Buttons. Two hole Buttons are attach with females wrarer and four hole Buttons are attach with men's wear but owing to innovation, in this age there is no difference between male and females Buttons. Try to learn some things new through experience.

  4. Write about some measurements points of garments


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