Shoulder faults during sewing Skip to main content

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Shoulder faults during sewing

g ]]> Shoulder faults that's cause variations during sewing on over lock an industrial sewing machine.
When industrial sewing feed are induced in pipeline flow,may be some time first attaching operation is sewing /attaching front and back of garment with each other on over lock industrial sewing machine. Here during sewing the back+front cause many different kinds of faults, defects and variations, especially in the look wise of the garment and cause variations in !measurements of the different prelate parts and accessories of the garments. So some important and critical faults are describe here for those operators and quality related people those are directly related with flow of garment.
Please remember following faults appear during sewing of garment shoulders on over lock machine.
1)shoulders become uneven with each other,here it means one shoulder of the respected garment  appear length variation,
2) If shoulder cutting is uneven then neck width measures will differ as sometimes are measure at two places,such as from "seams to seams" or from neck width from "edge to edge". (Please remember here any fault of garment Neck is " critical faults,and not accepted anywhere").
3)if shoulders cutting is uneven then front Neck drop will increase/decrease that cause variations in garment appearance and garment look.
4)if shoulders cutting is uneven on over lock machine then "back neck drop" decrease/increase and direct associated measures will differ from design and original measurements. This cause critical faults in garment point of measurements. Remember these faults can reject whole garments. So be please be careful.
5)in Armholes widths variations because garments shoulders are attach / cutt uneven at the over lock industrial sewing machine during attaching two shoulders with front and back shoulder. Remember there are three garment point from where armhole length/width are measure, these are as under,
From highest point of the shoulder, from garment crown point and from straight point to point (from armhole crown point to armpit end and sometimes as are directed from buyer,from where, how to measure the armhole of the garments, these instruments are written in technical package (teck pack) of the garments orders.
6)A critical fault that cause/appear if shoulders of the garment are sew/attach/uneven cutt during sewing on over lock machine are "Sleeve length" variations. Here it mean one sleeve measures must not be even with each other. So this fault can cause rejection of the entire garment. So be please be careful about this critical faults. 7)Shoulders uneven cutting can cause variations in garment " sleeves opening/cough opening "that's are decrease or increase ,it mean variations in measurements of the respected garment sleeve opening. 
8)shoulder to shoulder measure out of POM.sometimes some measure are cautions at shoulder to shoulder, such as from the " across shoulder "and if shoulders cutting is uneven these faults appear and garment is rejection conditions because measurements vary with each other.
9)Remember if garment shoulders cutting is uneven then entire shape/look can cause rejection of the garments, so always be careful about the attaching/cutting of front+back parts of garment during sewing on over lock machine.
10)if shoulders of the garment are not even then whole garment position during wearing will cause bad look. And in this way over lock machine operator+quality inspector reputation can be damage due to out of shape garment. 


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