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Measurement in knitwear Gaments field

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How can one measures the garments in a garments producing unit?

There are how many kinds of measurement related with ready knitwear garments pieces?

Without measuring the knitwear garment ,the look and shape of garments will be perfect and complete?

How someone can learn measurement of knitwear garments in a garments producing unit during inspecting of pieces of different kinds of garments such as, "outfitter's", " brief garments ", " under wears", " casual wears", " high necks", or " T shirts.

Learning points,

Someone can learn here some about "measuring of knitwear garments pieces" in a garments manufacturing unit.whether someone is new enter in this field or have some experience with about measuring of the garments pieces. But interest is a basic point of learning something new about measuring of knitwear garments pieces in garments producing unit during production process.

Tools of learning of knitwear garments "measurement points", are here mention as under,

1)Inch tap.

2)Measurement sheet, where written all garments related points of the measurement.

3) Knitwear garment measuring sketches. Please remember this piece of paper containing the sketch of garment indicates from where to measure the knitwear garment point. For instance, sometimes there are instructions set ,from where,how to measure the sleeve length of knitwear garment because there are three different three point from where sleeve leanth is measure such as from highest point of shoulder, from central neck point and also sometimes from 'crown point' of armhole of knitwear garment. Similarly knitwear garments length are measure at some such different point such as ,from central back position, sometimes from highest point of the shoulder and sometimes from only back from highest point of shoulder and other garment length is from at some other garment point,such as central front length is measure from lower point of front neck drop.  In short knitwear garments measurement points are measure as the sketch of garments.

4)Entire technical package of the order,that totally describes the " instructions set"of knitwear garments point of measure met.please be remember and note other than these important tools,there should be excellent skill of using these important measurement instructions set+measurement techniques.
Some other related materials is pencil and pre written points of measurement sheets,as respects with original measurement sheet,as provided by the related knitwear garments buyers or patties.
When production start to first machine of flow till end producing machine is call as a"knitwear garment flow"and when out put start from flowkine,these are ready garments for inspecting the quality of knitwear garments as are instructed by internal "merchandizing staff", because merchandising staff improved samples from buyers and batter know,from where how to inspect knitwear garments measurement point. So technical package help full for understanding the fundamental points of measurement of the related knitwear garments pieces.
For some more knowledge and for some more information about garment measuring are describe asunder,
Some detail,
Always remember when human being came in to existence in this world,my be ,there should be no " system of measuring "different things and different materials with suitable and measurable units of the measures. But my be " at need base" first human being tried to count some things on hands figures. I think from where started the "counting system" and the time interval passage, they also tried to measure some things length and with, with
spreading of hands or foot,because our basic and main objective of these lines is to train some new comers in this knitwear garments Field not for measuring the past history of the "measurement systems" as in these days evolved in to smallest units of measuring.
So there are only three ways "how someone can measure the different materials and substance and these are as under,
1) By counting
2) By weighting
3)By measuring
These mentions three points are use in knitwear garments manufacturing industry. As we count the numbers of garments such as 'today 1800 pieces of different knitwear garments are produced in someone flow. Or sometimes we count the inspected knitwear garments amount such as only one 1000 Pisces. This is also known as counting procedure. And second measurable point is " weight", or weighting. Such as the weight of one bag of yarn is 45.36 kilogrammes. And how many kilogrammes fabrics are dyie every day in a dying unit. Remember three many different decision making instances where weight are consider first and foremost such as weight of one lot of fabric is 100 ,kilogrammes.
Yes,third and last process of measuring in knitwear garments manufacturing industry is"measuring ", as something are measure with inches tape and earth latches are measure with the help of long foot tape for measuring purposes. So measurement are fundamental units of knitwear garments manufacturing industry and inspecting garments pieces measuring points.
For further knowledge+information, there are three kinds/types of weight as sometimes use in the knitwear garments manufacturing industry. These three kinds/types of weight are mention as under,
Actual weight,
Definition of the actual weight is,
The total amount of yarn require to produce fabric for an order of knitwear garments for sale in clca
Market or manufacturer knitwear garments for export purpose. Yes how one can calculate the actual weight of/for an order of knitwear garments pieces, the formula is written as under,
Act.weight=total no.bags of yarn require for producing fabric for an order*35.36/total no.of pieces of an order*12
Multiplexing with figure 12 is making dozens for/of an order.
Calculation of actual weight is fundamental and essential because furthermore costing process are base at this require yarn total weight amount.
Second weight use in knitwear garments calculating weight is know as
"Gross Weight "of a knitwear garment and this weight is define as under.
Grass weight of garments is the weight of fabrics require for a garment before cutting because during cutting process some amount of waste is go through in ruin and this is also known as" garments cutting waste. And how some one can calculate the grass weight of the order of the garments. Formula is as under,
Grass weight=sleeve length+body length*2*GSM*1550/1000*12
And third weight uses in knitwear garments manufacturing industry is known as a "Net weight", of the ready garments with attachment of all accessories such as zips,pockets,labels,tabs,and all accessories as per requirements of buyers. But now an other question arise before us,how someone should calculate the net weight of knitwear garments pieces.
Yes,if from above mentioned formula of grass weight remove the " waste weight percentage "there will be left the net weight of the garment. But remember during calculation of Gross weight of fabric,fabric are weighted on weight scale and after cutting process of knitwear garment sample are calculated. Remember these process are not very difficult but during practice these feel easy because one can become fimilir with such kinds of calculation.
If your are new comers and like to join knitwear garments manufacturing industry, please study these blog posts every day. If there is question in your mind. Don't hesitate and forward in comments.we shall try to answer your question according to our practice, knowledge and experience. So please read this post very carefully and with zeal and zest. sharing is caring so please share with others,with your friends and on social media such as on Facebook and on Twitter


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