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Quality as measure of success

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Quality in all kinds of products,

Quality in all types of manufacturing some kinds of products,

Quality, especially in knitwear garments stitching and producing industry standing at the pullers of total quality management,

      "Quality as  measure of success"
Yes, quality management is direct measure the present and future success in all fields of producing some types and kinds of new or existing products but especially in knitwear garments stitching and producing industry foundation is "quality", why ?,because every purchaser wish to buy some knitwear garments with very quality products as regard with place,price and promotion. No body want/like to purchase some thing faulty from market but if products quality is as per standard of demographic succession then present and future demand can/will increase as supply and demand goals indicates. So quality is measurable and proper related " quantity " that's measures are possible only and only if products quality management process starts from first stage of producing some kind of products till final stage of satisfying customers in market places.
Knitwear garments quality process starts from buying from market or producing yarn in house. If yarn quality is not as the demand of customers or faulty yarn purchase from market then first stage of quality will be faulty and next process of manufacturing forward stage can/will decrease the value added some thing faulty. Furthermore it will be waste of time,values and money. 
Quality management especially in knitwear garments stitching units have a greatest value added point of/ for success at present or in future demand standards. When indication is forward in knitwear garments stitching units the fabric must be free from different kinds of fabric faults and cutting materials should be accordance with sample standards. Here one point for Remembering is "garment accessories", such a labels,zips,buttons, threads,size indicating labels and all others kind of garment related accessories must be with cutting material as enter from cutting department. Sometimes in some knitwear garments stitching units lots of cutting material enters without" garment accessories ", and first operation starts from first stitching machine" these are not ways of quality success ", because different garment sizes bundles mix with each them and as a results faulty size pieces of garment will stitch without  quality measures. So be careful about these process.
Quality management department should be/must be always ready to solve some kind of fruits at needle point. And if there knitwear garments stitching faults face by quality at enter mix position then " Root case Analysis "is basic solving tool. Why?, because with this tool some techniques can measure /indicates the real point of faults, " why faults are causing such kind of disturbance ", .
Always remember" knitwear garments stitching units "is the heart of any garments producing industry, because if a garment piece stitch as per standard as of the improved sample, then there are no/very little chances of the rejection of garment.
First and foremost direct related person in knitwear garments stitching units is " inline quality inspector ", who inspects the machine operations of garment stitching process with as, per sample, with as instructions from " Quality supervisor ",and as indicates the technical package (teck pack)of the knitwear garment related files.
Although knitwear garments stitching process in stitching flous are very difficult procedure because these products are call as a " job orders ", because these products orders changes from time to time and quality management department related inspector face new kinds of change and difficulties at every instance of producing new garments.
Always study these blog posts and raise some kinds of comments as appear in your mind, sharing is caring,so please share with Facebook and on twitter


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