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 What is "quality",.

How one can define the word quality?
What about the " knitwear garments "quality and quality process?
What are different stage of " knitwear garments quality " in knitwear garments manufacturing industry?
From where starts the garments quality inspection processes,and at what stage ends the checking and inspecting these quality process.
What must learn about quality process someone who enter first time in this field?
TQM tell someone about the "quality procedures and process", that's are directly related with " knitwear garments quality inspection process", and circulation of knitwear garments quality inspection procedure.
These are some important and foremost quarries that's are rase to every one who enter first time in this field. But remember a quality field is very east and wide field where someone remain students and learner every time because in "knitwear garments industry", there every after every day new " jobs orders"of different designs and with variant style. So someone deals and face different difficulties ,issues, problems and methodology at every instant. But understanding about the basic concept of knitwear garments quality inspection process helps in determining the right direction at right time with right people and with right places.
Oh sorry! What so lengthy and long preface about quality inspection process and about quality definition in the "knitwear garments" industry. Yes,now return to our main subject and object " what is the definition of quality "
Quality is,
1) free form defects and faults.
2)production accordance with improved samples.
3)and if we complete all requirements of related knitwear garments buyer.
Above mention three !main points clearly describes about the basis interrelated fects and figures of quality especially in the "knitwear garments industry",.Although there are many different " definitions of quality where someone can intermingle him self, what is wrong and what is right" about quality. As someone says "quality is in the eyes of buyers", but some famous scholar claims" satisfaction "is total quality because buyers batter know what values are present in someone garments. Yes,but some thing to remember here is " value make quality "and quality direct measure the cost and satisfaction of customers. As buying behavior of buyers indicates the values with satisfaction, it measures the success as someone says" Quality is the direct measure of success ",and always remember in future measure of success is" one and only quality. 
Here again we return to the first point of definition of quality "free from defects and faults" clearly describes and declare indication if knitwear garments are faculty, it mean here ,there are present some kinds/type of faults no body will accept to buy that garment with some price because because buyers purchase something as a reward of time value of money. please think again, if there are present "minor faults", " major faults", or "critical faults ", in knitwear garments and during purchasing process of that garment with some kinds of faults observe, will he/she purchase that garment. Yes here answer will be " no",.
Similarly if you are directly related with the production process of knitwear garments in manufacturing unit and your are not flowing the buyer improved samples, then you are at wrong pathway because your destination of success in knitwear garments manufacturing industry especially quality field is "follow the buyers improved samples" and always measure the all requirements of samples related stitching instruction from/with samples. If production is not as "samples" the quality inspection department dejects the garments and all will go in to fire. So please be remember during production process when feeding from cutting department enter in to stitching unit,first observe the sample and then start the first operation of knitwear garments from related machine,here also observe the critical points about measurement.
Yes if production of knitwear garments from flow is passing from machine to machine as accordance with improved sample the quality is per standard of knitwear garments quality inspection procedure. But look at the other side and dark side of the production when feeding enter and production start other than sample and in this way some kinds/types of faults appear in the knitwear garments pieces or in the whole order production, these errors can rejects the total shipment of order.
At last take keen interest in the third definaion of quality "if we complete and act upon on the all requirements of buyers", 
Yes during the sample improving process related buyer issue instruction set for improving the quality of production of orders and directs some about improvements in next samples set. Sometimes buyer rejects the knitwear garments samples due to so faults and asks for some more improvement in next samples set,the instructions set as related with samples are very important owing to starting production in knitwear garments manufacturing flow.
Remember there are six stages/process to sending samples, it may vary from organization to organization and all this depend upon situation of quality if quality of first " prosample"is attractive and charming then next stage is "gold sea sample" that's "OK" sample, it mean someone achieve the goals of accepting/producing orders of buyers.
 Yes,here in the knitwear garments producing industry
"Total quality management system" can achieve all requirements,goals and objectives of quality related matters. Because "TQM" is field of study where someone learn some thing new and relevant previous notions are apply on production process with the help of those ruled,regulations, laws customs and rites as are described in/with others likewise industries as a "benchmarking", process and  also with the guidelines of these instruction" quality procedure "become easy as to/for achieving the next,on spot and facing objective+goals about quality process.
But against here an other question raise before us" quality process "it mean from where quality start and ends at what point,yes what is clinic point of access in such situation/conditions?. Remember these are long and lengthy process but we if name them as a " proper and implement stage "it can/Will come tire because " quality process "can stay/stop at any one point. When quality process starts from basic point of production, quality start from here at first starting point.
Because in one article it is impossible to describe the entire process/procedures of improving/inspecting quality inspection, so in some next section of this blog posts you will study/learn some more thing ,material, skill,knowledge and information such as " inspection faults", "fabric faults", and ",  how to measure the knitwear garments with suitable tools", " tools and techniques of inspecting these knitwear garments ", " clockwise inspection of garments ", on quality inspection tables and abilities of quality inspectors.
Please ,always study these blogs post ,share and bookmark for further reading


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