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Mobile phone Facilities

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 Mobile phone facilities and some people behavior.

"Mobile phone are for us or we are for Mobile phone".
When first mobile phone set was invented, it may be invented for the welfare of people of the worldwide. The first person who invented the mobile phone set,might be think this may be a greatest facility for the people of the world. May be ,he should be tried to introduced only and only positive sides and positive affects on human societies. Because mobile phone set are a greatest and excellent facility for,for off and for near Commination. Yes by dialing " SIM " no on mobile phone set key paid and after writing the phone number press" yes"button ,in after some seconds our Commination connect with related person and in this way every mobile phone set holder benefit himself or herself on mobile phone set through some ways. Please try to observe near you and near you surrounding where people are enjoying the best and excellent facilities of the mobile phone set, Yes,it is positive side of mobile phone set facilities. Although mobile phone set facilities are countless and one should not be able to count these mobile phone set facilities on hands fingers because every body use mobile phone set accordance with situations and as with relevant conditions.
Please again think about the positive facilities of mobile phone set, with those facilities people are sharing, connecting and communicating with each others at every second,even I am writing these lines with help of mobile phone set. So everybody need and wants of uses of mobile phone are different but some of them ,call and text messaging facilities are very important and greatest because in seconds someone can connect with each other at any distance for away from his or her. please think about trade and marketing facilities in communication sector,where every second trillions of dollars are traded in world wide markets. Even many people are "making money online" by working on internet and with the help of internet marketing companies and here "SEO" is,of greatest importance because many businesses are making progress in the international markets. Yes ,seo techniques and seo tools are in progress every day becaus only entering "keywords" about products on search engines "search bar" many products appears
 as a results of "SERP" and in this way many businesses are at progress way to benefits themselves from the facilities of mobile phone set with internet connection.
Yes if you are researcher,
Yes if you are student,
Yes if you are merchant and trader of some products,
Yes if you are searching Jonas in a national or international markets, mobile phone set "internet connection" can provide you such excellent facilities at any,home,office or in a vehicle in which you are travelling or you driving any part of the world,but here in such case you need to "on" international roaming facilities on your mobile phone set as"Internet connection ".
Please once again try to count the log list of these above mention and some others facilities of mobile phone set. This long list of the mobile phone set facilities start to call facilities and ends at a point where?,where new facilities and new features mobile phone set are introduce in mobile phone set market. Because evey day new and sophisticated features are introduce in new mobile phone sets,such voices search and" online music entertainment every where in the worldwide destinations. Or with "Sd" card hear music as you wish and play games as a entertainment for you as a pleasure passed time. Oh yes I have been forgotten some others facilities of mobile phone sets are "calculator" complete your counting problems at once at your mobile phone set at any time by clicking on the calculator and different process of plus,minuses, division and multiplex are solve in little interval of time.yes videos taking and videos playing are best and excellent facilities of the mobile phone set for every one person.
Yes"mobile phone are for us " 
But now a day we are for Mobile phone sets", yes here we shall try to analyse and observe the negative side and uses of/for mobile phone set effects on some people behavior, because we use any of electronic facility for our benefits and used them to easy of life conditions. Although all new things,new inventions and new tools are users choices "how to use them" but mobile phone set facilities compels us to sacrifices some others facilities such as wrist watches and the common use regular lights tools and introduced many facilities in one mobile phone set in these days.
Yes,we are for Mobile phone system "because whole of our life especially in these times are rounding and revolving only around and with mobile phone set,yes from awaking from sleep at early intervals of morning till sleeping movements we try to check and watch new thing at our mobile phone set and our life days are spending in such wrong and pathlessness ways of our life,as we are the " slaves are/of new mobile phone technology.
Negative sides affects of negative mobile phone set uses are of /at one side but waste of money is greatest loases of our assets. please always remember people precious and costly assets are "time and money" that we are wasting every time,because, as we are now a days only for Mobile phone system uses"machines and machines mechanism can change the behavior and nature of human habits so our habits change due to introduction of these new tool and techniques of communication. Remember favourable uses are reliable conditions for/of any new invention and as we all are familiar with such situations so please avoid to use mobileexide useless use of mobile phone set systems because we are wasting and lasting with sacrificing our relations and relationship with mobile phone.
Please use your mobile phone  set at suitable time interval conditions, useless uses of mobile phone set can cause disturbances in our life,,because "restlessness" can damage our health states and our human body regulations. So please be avoid to uses mobile phone set as a dull person.
Ages of human being and uses of mobile phone systems, children and kids must not uses Mobil phone set because in early age , there are SOE bad sides effects on the eye sight of little flowers.
Mobile phone sets are our friends accordance with the special requirements, needs,wants and demands of time period,situations and conditions but very wisely uses of mobile phone set can improve our health, our sleep,our money,out time,our assets and even our businesses. But improper, unwisely and with purposes matters it prove for us as a minister that cans disturb our natural habits and came damage our body health system.
So once again brainstorm at these words and also tel to others,
"Mobile phones are for us,and we are not for mobile phone sets"
Yes in this way one can improve health,habits,money,and especially eyesight.


  1. There are many benefits of mobile phones,but it all depend upon usability.please us wisely

  2. I appreciate your work


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