Observing Skip to main content

Sex drive time and food stuff

Sex drive time and our health. Sex and human life. Food stuff and sexual health. As you eat well, you expel well enough.  


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Observing of different things.

Observe the universe.

How human life can increase with observation?

Please observe the every change.

  •    Yes our universe is very wide and many changes are occurring at every instance of time but we are not observing those all changes and those changes demand observing. Only observation can make eligible to thrive in new paths of life.
  • We are depriving our self from those management that's are essential today and more so our future need those management for spending our lives.
  • We are neglecting these every day occurring changes because we are not developing our inner abilities to overcome with these chances. Why we are so lazy?
  • We are ignoring the future of of next generations with out making best kinds of observations, best kinds of feeling,best kinds of thinking and best kind of informing.
  • But how one can make observations that's will improve excellent for our next generations?. Yes with our five sensitive. Yes with our five sensitive we can explore the need and demands for our future,for our future life destinations, for our next generations and for saving our shelf from obstacles that can slow our life circulation to a point from where only darkness prevails around us. Yes in that situations we still all alone. No indication of light where to take turn and how to take turns. Only disappointments, darkness and serge of thoughts.
  • Yes we must try to adopt our self as the demand of time,yes we can achieve this only with observing the conditions and situations with Kean interests. We can makes observations for our own self,and also for the betterment of others people.
  • If our eyes are open with our inner feeling, our inner thinking, our desires, our demands,our wishes, our wants ,and our likes provide energy to observe our future then there are no matter we can seen the future glimpses, light or darker.
  • We are not blind,God gift us eyes as with five sensitive,we must make use if all then in every aspect of our life. There keen interests, all these achievements and all these struggle for achieving success is impossible without observations.
  • Yes in this age we are lucky why?, because we have all background skill,knowledge and information about our learning process, at sometime we need only our internal passions, zeal and zest and learning interest.
  • We are not observing nature,natural process,natural change,natural stability, natural nature flowing, natural ups and down,are we blinds,not,but we are dull, we are sluggish and we are stable.
  • Day and night, how changes,how there are a regulation between day and night,but a philosophy for mankind, observe and learn lesson, but what kinds of learning lessons?. Yes understanding yourself with natural, feeling the natural changes all around us,yes and preparing our self to face such natural changes,yes this is only possible with keen,strong and active observations.
  • Human life is not the name of slavish and dull activity but it is moving,revolving and showing entire ways of future indications of some type of events,but our future is unpredictable and no one can predict the exact future situations. Only estimations, only guesses and even only prophesies can't exactly determine the flow of future paths.
  • Why we not observe with our five sensitive the nature of a rainy session. How water drops from sky. Sorry,very sorry we only look with our common sense or we watch flowing incidents with our naked eyes,there are our internal eyes,there are our internal organs and there are our own internal strength, yes them we watch dreams when we are in calm and intense sleep.
  • We try to study the nature with our books knowledge, people information and with past stories, past knowledge, and with past information. We not try our self to explore with our own internal strength the secrets of nature and natural process that are occurring in every instant of time. 
  • We not struggle to gain knowledge of nature with our own experiences. Why?,because we have not interest,may be no benefits that improve beneficial for us but depth understanding of nature can explore many hidden door of our future success.
  • Please don't ignore these three words, what,why and who?. Today at this time think about life and death. Remember life is the name of struggles and death is the name of  "with out life". Here no deep philosophy but straight forward, why I am live?, what I am here?, and till what time I shall remain here in this world. I am not immortal but my life will end.


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