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Telepathy learning

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What is telepathy?

Learn telepathy and change your life.

Practice with telepathy learning.

 All understanding about oneself.

What about telepathy?

Telepathy is a modern and advance brunch of knowledge, skill and information. That deals with internal abilities and competencies of a practitioners who wish to learn this advance and modern science but first of all definition of science can play important role for exploring the next and future successful doors of successful practice with this nascent science.

So definition of science is,

" science is the knowledge base upon data derived from observations and experiments ",

First of all learn the knowledge of telepathy and then with the help and guidelines of this practically rich knowledge, then make practice of telepathy.

Before starting the practice of telepathy learning, improve your health status,improve your learning skill with interest, with wishes and wants,within gathering information from others people and with your internal abilities, competencies and internal strength.

Remember telepathy is a science that deal,describes and use interpersonal abilities of human brain, if brain is working well and balance with others body systems then " focus of attention " gains strengths from whole body and wavelength of human brain increase in strength and conveys messages from one human brain to another human brain but focus of attention is must.

Before going to exploring the telepathy wide and width pasts,it is a future science that's can deal all incoming events of future, in future and all those events that's are still not occur but chances indicates the occurrences of those events because of natural is a balance and well form of indications that already describes the chances of events occurring.

In telepathy performing functions and analysing practice one human  brain read, watch and detects the pictures on the screen of another human brain.

Remember while one brain focus attention on another brain screen, no matter what so are," focusses brain only watch the panorama on target brain screen and reflects the picture with relevant information.

Our brain attentions are no focus point of target then there will be no response, before going to regular practice of telepathy please think about a gathering where you are sitting and exchange information and knowledge with others people of the sitting, where one person utter words that's are in your mouth for uttering in gathering, in simple words its mean your brain guesses the situation and bring stimulation in your tongue to speak that word in gathering but an other person speak those words before your speaking, why?, because focus of attention was much of strength than your own focus of attention.

But what is attention?.

"If we focus our five sensitive at on target point", Yes this is attention. And attention can achieve all goals,tasks and  aims,if your aim is to complete telepathy courses in short intervals of time and you fully focus on your target point then there no matter,you can achieve your target goals in your mind set memory.  Yes these focus in brain arise your internal abilities psycho abilities to achieve that tasks.

Here are some questions you must learn before proceedings the further telepathy practice.

What is confidence?.

Where words in human brain?.

What about words?.

Please click on above mention links and try to understand the complexity of human brain, but first we discuss the value and importance of our attention and explain those all example on our brain and " understanding our self ",.

Remember some one can not complete the tasks with out the entire strength of attention and if our five sensitive are so strong to target a point then the strength of attention will able to achieve the task but first about five sensitive. Here are five sensitive with respective organs,

See,we see with our eyes.

Hearing,we hear with our ears.

Touch,(skin),we touch with our hands.

Smell,we smell with our nose.

Taste, we taste some thing with our tongue.

Yes these five sensitive are,





Tasting. (Tongue)

For simple and easy words,


Yes some one busses the power of our eyesight in life,may me on,why?, we are not come across such incident but remember our eyesight has a power, invisible power that is beyond of our understanding. If you not believe still in me then make a practice with your eyesight. Please search a cat who is sleeping deep sleep and you should stand some for off position from cat and try to through your eyesight power on cat brain. Soon you will watch the sleeping cat awake ups as someone awake from deep sleep. When you try to focus target,the cat brain,your eyesight wave stick fast with cat brain and she woke up from sleep.

If you not still believe on me,then please stay for a while with me here because we are achieving the basic concepts of telepathy.

If you are traveling in a coach and sitting at your seat but in front set there are sitting a female traveler,yes this a very good Chance try to make practice of telepathy on that female. Yes you will get hundred percent results. what about that telepathy practice?.

The female who is sitting at front of you put your eyesight focus on her head,you will astonish she will look back to you but,because this is a  practice, when she look you back side her seat,pleas try to show busy in your some activities such as she not believe you are really interesting in her. Make this practice again and until your intend and believe cemented on telepathy skill.

If you still not believe on the skill and powerful affects of telepathy then please long travel with me on this regular path,from start to end and end will be at a very distance, of thousands miles away from this inaugurating process,yes our end destination will complete learning skill of telepathy.

Eyesight power is a very strong power, please watch the eyes of a snake or eyes of a lion. Can you face a snake on a patch on land wondering here and there?. Can you watch in the eyes of a snake. May be not, may be you can't do so,why?, because eyesight of a snake if strong reflector of waves that your weak brain can not bear and feel fears to come across in front of eyes of a snake. Yes same is  true on a lion eyes. some one can't bear the strength of a wild Lion eyesight power but pet lion brain is already in favour of you.

You think snake and lion from where they get the strength of eyesight. Yes I shall tell you here as in a brief and some simple words.

There two animals have very strong sex behavior. These two animals are  sexually very strong and they not destroy and waste sexual substance every day like human being. These two animals save sexual materials till those substances are really good for releasing in a canal for the purpose of producing next generation for continuing the continuity. Yes these two animals are not like human as they get a chance, they try to waste the sexual materials and substances in to a proper or improper canal and ever time try to enjoy and entertainment with sex and sexual fore play.

Remember sex substances and sexual materials are main files for the prosperity of human brain. If these substance are aggregate in human body to a extent lower than a special scale then humans go in the state of madness, on the other side If these sexual materials and substances Cross a scale of natural standard at some above point, then should be may acute and chronic diseases and disorders in human so if you are loyal to learn the art and science then please first save and maintain your sexual ability standard.

It is beneficial and very critical to maintain the standard of health. If health conditions are unfavorable and not bear the burden of studios practice and heard work brainstorming, it is batter for you ,please not make a decision to learn the skill of telepathy.

As someone can't do something, some work and some practice without proper health, same is try with telepathy and its practice skill.

Above we learn only about the power of our vision as one of our five sensitive, " eyes", what can play important role in learning the skill of telepathy. We also mention above about the possibilities of sexual health,sexual conditions and about sexual activities.

If you are sexually strong, if you can control yourself and can perform well as natural sources demand then start the practice of telepathy from start to end. In next lines we will explore the door of abilities and competencies of human ear and about hearing powers of  human ears as comparing with animals such with dogs and with buffaloes. Because these two animals have a very strong ability of hearing from a long distance.

Hearing abilities of animals.

Human body five sensetive

Please improve your life style to learn something new and try to learn something new that is beneficial for you life. May be all of them is "study of yourself", " development of yourself "," bringing changes in yourself. So telepathy is a branch of practical knowledge and skill that provide you guidelines of "first how to study yourself", " how can you understand yourself ", " how can you make internally clear and clean yourself ", " how can improve you life and your future by analysis yourself.

Some above we were discussing the hearing power and hearing ability of animals. Buffalo has the hearing ability to hear the sound of a aeroplane flying from many miles of distance but human being can hear from a short distance of some meters to the range of one kilometer and this also depends on the individual hearing quality. But one point is clear our ears are collectively are from our five sensitive a special tool to graining some thing more or increasing some kind of knowledge and skill.

Hearing power is more effective in learning telepathy skill. During the  practice of telepathy ears are focal point of attention because when our five sensitive are coordinates to a target point then many different voices and noises can hearing a practitioner because like a radio frequently ,as radio frequently change with the change in energy provided by electricity of a pairs of cells the "radii station change", and new sound are available to entertain us through a long distance. Yes to extent same is true on human brain as for receiving and transmitting the messages and here carrier medium is space.

Now again think about the one of our five sensitive the " smelling", we some thing with our noise as our important tools for detracting fragrance and pungent smells,rotten egg smell,even when when we by a perfume, we taste the fragrance of that pack by smelling but here our like and dislike play a role of our interest.

Yes while learning telepathy smelling power and smelling ability distinguish internal coordination of different organ of body with our brain,because human brain is like a man made processor, as like a computer of mobile phone set processor, yes processor is a focal point of all activities and transactions for functions and performing of all task.

But again we focus our attention of our study on animals examples such as dogs. The smelling ability and smelling power of the dong so much advance that a dog after smelling a patch of land can arise a response about lethals weapons like mines as here buried in the patch of land.

Dongs can smell the dirty smell of the dead body buried some where in the earth patch. Only there need the training of dog but dog is a faithful animal and can learn some kind of practice very soon especially all task of smelling related matters.

But same above is not true fit for human being as with bit difference from individual to individual. As sense of smelling ply important and essential role for learning the skill of telepathy so make this smelling sense so much clean and clear your brain pick all instructions about smelling as soon as possible and coordinate the functions with other five sensitive of body for performing the right task at right time with right coordination.

Some further away we touch something to feel the conditions and status of some thing by touching with our hand or with some parts of our body. Yes with the touching conditions some one can learn the information about that thing so touching is a very power source of gaining knowledge as someone wish and require.

Last our five sensitive is taste that perform and feel by our/through our tongue. There are receptors on our tongue that inform to our brain,what thing is sweet or bitter. Yes tongue is a tools that described to out brain what is favorable or unfavorable for before eating something. As some sweety thing touch with our tongue our brain stimulate the secretions and also when bitter things touch with tongue our brain deny to accept because there are data store in brain memory to not accept bitter materials.

You realize some time when we hear the name of some sweet materials then,from our mouth some water drops appear automatically. Why?. Now here some questions try to think about these questions answers. But here thinking and brainstorming are must and your own role as a"own observe ",

What is a fear?

Why we feel fear?.

How one can control fear?

Why we feel fear from snakes and lions?

Now we will discuss the strength of our five sensitive and power of our attention. What is attention?.

" if we focus our five sensitive at one point ",yes as a convex mirror. As rays of sun are focus on one point as with convex mirror same is true with our brain. Yes we focus our attention with brain on one point then the target point feel the energy waves as target from transmitter brain and receiver brain decode the signals in healthy and favourable environment. This very active when points are,of different States such as negative and positive, here excellent example is about adolescent girls and boys,when young blood boys and girls come across each other and exchange the behavior with each other, first eye sight choose the selection, then instructions from brain and that starts the spontaneous communication. You know the human eyes process the power of attraction because with this our five sensitive, through any instance gain the information if all kinds of knowledge and skill. Yes our vision repents only on the strength of our eye sight, if with our four sensitive the strength of eye sight is balance the the target point goals can achieve within very short time period.

If you not still believe on the accepted notions then please purchase a fine convex mirror and pitch it up under the light of sun. Yes some rays from sun focus,aggregate and turn in to a focus point . Now put a piece of paper under mirror a burning point where all rays from sun are focus,your will astonish when the piece of paper burnt out with the at of rays because the mirror focus the many rays on sun at one point. One or two rates have no strength of heat to burn out the piece of paper but when those rays are focus on a one point as in aggregation then strength of rays as passing from mirror increase. Yes this same is true on our brain if our brain waves are targets a point then that target point receive the signal and results can indicates the  destination

What is focus of human five sensitivity.

What about the anatomy of human brain?

What about our dreams as we watch during our fast sleeping?

Still we not go for away for exploring the practice of telepathy skill because back ground knowledge and information are must otherwise some will not get some kind of advancement in this large field of science.

According to the spirituals experts and specialists eleven systems of a human body have a two form of existence, such as one we see,as our own body made of meat and flesh with bones and hard Skelton, yes there is another body and that body is invisible, someone can't see invisible human body with our naked eyes. Yes we can watch the response and actions of our human body during our fast sleep when we watch the dreams.

But further more going we try to understand about time and age.

What is time?

What is age?

What is differences between time and age

What is time?

Remember there is nothing time but only age with space,yes we measure time periods with changes of day and night but it is only our facility not a permanent still pint. Yes time measure with watch and we overlap our self with these mechanicals devices that's only provides us facilities of working at watch time,sleeping according with watch time, awaking with watch time and all activities of our life are now under time management except the," human death", yes human death exact time we  can not measure because ,"human death", directly space and age related factor.

Our conscious and unconscious are free from , from the net of time as we are measuring with needles or digitalis watches.

Please try to observe and understand  our fast sleeping, yes I our sleeping is deep and fast we watch dreams because during sleeping our conscious and our unconscious work separately. During our conscious draw lines if images of our brain screen but from where these spit appear from forming and making these images on our brain screen.

Yes  going some more further we again discuss that, " time ,age and space ", again for understanding the affects of these on our life cycle and affects on human brain and how these affects,effects our life cycle with respect to telepathy learning skill.

For learning the skill of telepathy you must aware about the effective strength of time,age and space,such your must have awareness of three time division, that are as past,present and future with respect of our conscious and unconsciousness states,status and conditions. For example our conscious is free from all kinds of time burden yes if we regulate our conscious with telepathy practice then our conscious can transmit the wave of our accord on a target point such that receiver apparatus can receive that signals and response as the wish of transmitted brain. Some time during our fast and deep sleep our mind cross the boundaries of future and show the images of future on brain screen, yes all these dreams that our conscious watch during touching the boundaries of future age ,these are, " true dreams", but some time our conscious draw the lines of images and pictures from past data set of our brain memory and short circuit with brain screen these are old ideas,our own old wishes,our wants and our notion that rae all ready store in our brain deep memory. But in present tense and present senses we are awaking and our conscious and unconscious are performing all activities of our daily life but if our conscious and unconscious are well balance with each other ad properly connect the self coordinate the all responsive activities then human brain works at high level as one compare with the standard of intelligence quoted levels of relevant qualitative and quantitative standards.

Please before learning the skill of telepathy you must learn about the activities of human brain and you must careful about your body health status,because a human body sick with diseases and disorders can not able not perform well accordance with already set goals and tasks. But bear in your mind an important note,arranging the data for presetting of future goals and tasks in your brain memory can improve your health spontaneously.

During telepathy learning and making practice with these skills please make sure your health is safe and sound. More so your brain health is clear from all kinds of dirty impurities and your blood pressure is in normal mood.

While learning the skill of telepathy make shore your food stuff is well enough and well balance as the demands of input and output of energy as require your body during hard work of learning. Please during making practice with telepathy feel in your mind success is not for off.

Sitting position:,

During making skillful practice with telepathy your  body position must be in north side,your mouth should be in north side, your noise indication must directly match with north line position. Why ?. Here only north side is selected because telepathy is directly connected with waves and from North waves travels to south, so matching frequency of mind waves with south waves and coordinating with universe environment, it is necessary to sit in north side position. As as common observation the needle of a compass always stay with north side position. Why?, because a special force compels to the needle of a compass to stay only at north side position.

First a telepathy learner must make practice to take practice of "focussing five sensitive at one point", here our eyes are focal point because our eyes has a advantage over all of rest five sensitive. Yes with our eyes we make observation, gain knowledge, accept skill and makes responsible progress in our environment. For learning some kind of new skill, first our eyesight touch with that point thee our brain clear a response of firsthand understand of our enthusiasm.



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