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What is a meeting?

How goals are set for meeting?

What is the purpose and goals of meeting?

How meetings and consults in knitwear garments manufacturing entity? 

Meetings With inferiors, and subordinates in a knitwear garments manufacturing entity ,what about setting "agendas" a knitwear garments manufacturing entity meetings.

Different kinds of meetings and discussions with peers, executives,manages, assistant managers and supervisor on different aspects of quality and all others related issues and problems facing during at any stage of garments producing.

Why meetings are held in knitwear garments manufacturing units especially in quality department, about quality measures and quality learning process?  Why?.
Here in these lines we shall try to encircle the main, important and essential prospects of the reality and natural way"how to deal with different matters of quality problems and issues during "qualify meeting". But here first and foremost notable and precious point of talk is " who one is planning, organizing, leading and controlling the "management of meeting" in knitwear garments manufacturing units. But once again priority is the personality and characteristics of the "the chairperson of the meeting who has inner abilities, competencies and future vision of meeting agenda" in which/that the meeting is/was held.
Please always remember meeting are arrange and head for dissuasion of some difficulties, problems and issues as are facing the organization at quality level.
Another important point of remembering is please thing about the authority of meeting head and guidelines as are set in goals mines of the organization during evolving "quality policy", " quality strategy "," and more so about commonly those issues/problems as an knitwear garments producing unit face or facing.
Because meeting are held and call for improving the quality measures so it is essential the ,"meeting holder"must posse the the abilities, competencies, skills,knowledge and dealing skill+roles of a "future guiding leader. Yes if meeting holder chair person, chief executive, top level manager,general manager,quality head,quality manager or even if quality supervisor don't possess such kinds of functions+skills+roles then meeting gathering will be not able to gain some things from meeting. So it is here must to hear those who has some things to tel and also address them who want to learn some things new" as in job training.
Because in meeting "agenda", is set before calling a meeting such as guidelines and scopes are sketch and transfer to subordinates from the side of " meeting head"even time period is generate in meeting agenda.
Although meeting are held for "solving problems and issues" and "conveying message" how to solve,monitor, regulate and control the quality related measures.
But what about the"internal environment of meeting hall"where meeting is going in progress. During charing of meeting different issues arise that need to solve at that sitting,because no one is complete and perfect here"" and the need of improving something batter for future is always ahead". So in meeting all dissuasion are regulate as the "foundation of meeting agenda and conveying message to others.
Because in meeting all accessories are" minds" so it is essential to set goals and purpose for describing and declaring the main point,technical points ,tools and techniques about coming or facing problems, issues and difficulties. Yes,meeting are held at individual level+groups level+teams level. So it is important for chair person to hear all meeting candidates with patience and deal them in such a way as they skill with solving that issues and problems facing during qualify improving methods.
As conflicts are natural process and if some kinds of conflicts raise during meeting, how and by what way solve them or challenge as "stubborn" as he is he who only wise,efficient and able to to through all decisions from own will,own one side and own accord but here "discussion" is must.


  1. What about agenda setting and meeting criteria management?

  2. Why meeting are necessary,


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