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Sex drive time and food stuff

Sex drive time and our health. Sex and human life. Food stuff and sexual health. As you eat well, you expel well enough.  

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In these blog pages every one can enjoy reading about the human dress,"beauty products", "fashion industry innovatilution age and fashions ",and more about new and modern design and styles of clothing. We try to analyzing the new fashions and apparel products as are introduce every day in world international market,because everyone likes and dislikes are different from each others and furthermore region to region these are changing accordance with innovation of new and modern techniques, technology and more so these are based at wishes,wants and demands of people as regard with situations and conditions of those territories.
Another side is weather situations and conditions as in hot regions of the world " clothing demands ", are different in those regions and territories where weather conditions are moderate and favourable to the will of people, those who,those are familiar with that conditions. So fashions are different sizes,style and of different designs of clothing such as " outfitters ", " foot wears", "Upper wears", " causal wears", " night clothing's ", " jackets and hoods", " and even T-shirts, but look ance again about the "traditional dresses" of different national and international segments as in Arabic societies there is "chogha" is a traditional dress and male was such kind of dress and such societies where females are covers in "pardah" like dressing. So every society of the world are connected with own traditional remands, wishes and wants.
Old aged people are not so much fashionable than new generation because new generation enter in to a new "modern age" and if someone say this age is "innovation age", where every day new styles and designed are introduce in market, yes where" supply and demand "principles are imply,monitor and evaluates as " comparison "with the old products as those was choice of related aged people.
Yes,in these pages,posts and new letters one can learn every day situation one changing environment of clothing and about human dress .please not go for away and observe your around and surrounding from where you are living and try to brainstorm on the changing environment of society, especially old age people and new generation wishes, wants and demands of everyday changing apparel and outfitter products. Yes one can observe the conditions and situations are flexible withe respect to places, prices,and promotion techniques, Why?because human bring are agreeing to slaves the innovative technology techniques. But what of kinds and types? Such kind of " analyzing "will introduce in these pages and in next blogs posts. so always study these posts and increase and become familiar with thee changes.
As everyday new products are introduce into every market of the world and consumers behavior is measure with respect with zeal and zest and with those instruments that's are accurate tools for measuring accuracy of things and new products. As,although cotton products and polyesters products are with different measure points above all of them is " prices index", and society behavior to buy that products as those are,are demand of age and relevant time 
Here on these pages you will learn something new every day,because everyday these pages are updates according to situations and conditions.
In some next sections we will introduce you different color products and some about attractive color products,especially "beauty products" such as creams and powders. Yes different kind of lotions that are cause of increase of beauty especially "face beauty".
There are some business that will not disappear,vanish,end and deteriorate from the world and those will increase the passage of time and increasing of human population. Yes think about some business such as foods,clothing, medicines, accommodate providing facilities businesses and travelling businesses. There are some business that depends on conditions and financial situations of individuals but these such kinds of businesses can decrease as conditions and situations reverse, for example travelling services stop during " Corona virus epidermic ", and owner of transport companies bear a great and huge losses because lock down stop such kinds of facilities. Please think again about foods businesses and foods are needs of every body so during any worse conditions and situations foods businesses can not stop because these are basic,fundamental and essential needs for all human being, as every one can observe that " Foods businesses "can not stop. Even foods businesses is of fast foods,foods of every day meal,sea foods, salty foods,sweets and sweets dishes,native and international foods,foods of different animism meat products,foods prepare from cereal and maze four,foods prepare from vegetables and natural products,foods prepare from milk,butter and oils,foods prepare from others sources and through resources and consumers of these foods are available form any where.
If you like to start some kikds of business in your future life, please choose and make policy and strategy to start " foods business ", but first and foremost think about " basic structure",for beginning the foods business such  thin populate area,people like and dislike about foods choice, availability of sources and resources, availability of train and hard working staff,erection procedure, dealing skills, basic budget for starting foods,thinking about foods presentation area decoration, others relate materials infrastructure, facilities of natural bass ,supply of plenty of water,electricity availability, foods for children,foods for ladies,foods for adults people, goods for elderly people and also some new combinations for sick people. Yes here always remember liquids foods facilities are a successful business for unemployment people because unemployment people can enjoy from such kinds of business and make large and huge amount of money every day. More so no high skills, no so huge amount of financial requirements are need,no five star train skill people are needs,no much space is require,no some kind of hard working require. Only brainstorming is essential because without proper planning no business can start and no business can touch the climax of success. 

One important point is "monthly paid jobs can run only individuals life days with family and with family members but business can improve next generations of future". So if you are unemployment and making plans to start some kind of business" Foods businesses "are best for you and these businesses are in favor of your next generations such as for your kids.

You are agree or disagree with me about the "foods businesses", but it is reality and reliability the foods business can increase day by day and increase assets withe passage of time. More so when human population increase are relevant areas are thin with population the supply and demands can increase. Please stay here withe me and think about the " fresh milk business ",someone buy some amount of milk from village sides people and sell that amount of milk in a thin population area and with honesty increase the numbers of customers per day,as demand increase, milk seller can increase supply of milk to customers every day and in this per litter milk profit can increase. Here remember the buyers of  milk remain in buying action for next generation and milk business will increase and transfer to next generation.
An important point for remembrances is" someone can make you a successful person and that person are yourself ", if bring changes in yourself and try to evolve yourself in a successful person life. Yes some one kind of business can improve your life,life happiness, life entertainment, life enjoyable and a full swing charming life. Yes life is only once blessing for every one and death is a reality. If you think someone else can earn some thing for you it is is impossible,because every one has his or her own wishes,wants,and needs. And for completion of those needs,demands and wants are fulfill withe the basic facility of money.
For earning money,and more money, businesses are fundamental, essential and important start. So start your own business of suitable materials and increase your business marking strategies and policies accordance with the passage of time. Business can bring changes,changes for life, changes for habits and changes for earning more money,more profit and highlights of satisfaction.
So always try to prefer business as on job,although that job position is of top level position or middle level on chair setting position. Business is superior than all types of jobs.
Although there so many jobs in this world as many people but some people like paid job , some people like some kinds of business and all these depends on their financial conditions and geographical areas. Remember here again "job only provide you timely finance help for short interval of time but some kinds of business can provide you long run financial sources and resources not only to you but provide full support of income for your next generations ", because businesses are foundations are so paved are future are regard with assurance income,here in mean business can stop but increase with passage of time period. But here " what about time limit or time duration ", a business can reach at climax point,although there is no affiliate age and time period for a business to stop or decrease but there are proper and regular chances to increase business volume and spread business circles as possible with possibilities of avail in proper conditions the chances and environment. As are describe above there are many different kinds of businesses but some can transfer from one generation to next generations as a successful business of time and age. So please if you like,if you wish,if you make yourself a " successful businessman ", in this world try to start some kinds of businesses.
"Medicines businesses", may be can stop for long period of time because human health is directly related with some kinds of medicines. Although there are a long run business in a medical field especially " medicines businesses ",and human life some time completely depends upon some type of medicines. If your are new comet in this business branch and you want to learn some basic information and knowledge with selling medicines in a " medical store", first you must gain a certificate or degree as a "B,pharmacy", " D,pharmacy ", or some type of others degree or certificate as are relate with such field. Because without proper learning of medicines selling skill is essential and necessary for the future success of your medicines businesses. Some years regular practice at medical store for selling and arranging inventory is only possible with spending some time period with a pharmacist or a Doctor. Surely if once you start your " medicines businesses ",these will not stop till your last and final day of your life. Here again and again remember this medical store businesses can transfer to your next generations and in this way your next generations can enjoy with full financial entertainments. Please try to observe your around and surrounding and with the Kean interest make point estimations about medical stores. No matter how good,those medical stores are selling" chemical base medicines ", " homeopathy remedies ",and are those selling eastern medicines. As we know " if there are availability of something, selling and buying is in encircle ",because of demands of human being especially about health relate substance can not stop.
Yes we are discussing about different kinds of businesses that's never end and in some simple words these businesses can increase the volume of businesses in future and next generations can be achieve benefits of theses businesses.
"Some about real estate
Real estate businesses can not stop for ever because every one need shelter as a home or a house. As populations are increasing day by day and individuals accommodations facilities are decreasing every day,joint families system diapers and dispersed as a tale of past age. So every one like to live separately with family. Although there are so many reasons as someone can't count on hands fingers. These increase the demons of new homes and new apartments. As population is increasing the " real estate businesses ",are passing those lines of financial investment in real estate businesses. Real estate property can increase profit in hours not in days. if someone biy a plot of twenty five square meters or yards and keep that property in hands for he decades of more them ten years then the price of the plot can increase till the amount of more then many hundreds as a " selling price", So investment in real estate businesses are much profitable then all others kinds of businesses. Real estate businesses can increase the net amount of profit every day and it is very wise use of money. If someone have money then buy and purchase a patch of land for the future income, for the future profit and for increasing the"time value of money ",. Although there are different ways for investing in real estate businesses but " purchase and sell at profit ", at relevant situation if more wisely then stop and delay for future because for future eyes are blind and available chances are present to avail the situation at suitable time to aggregate profit and then that profit invest in purchasing new properties for next selling,in this way new series of businesses are create as a " real estate businesses ", for batter then all kinds of jobs. Please try to observe around and surround to you where you are living because you are living in a society where accommodation is basic need for all individuals of the world. And for enjoying from these real estate businesses is the quest of evey one but some people prefer others kinds of businesses than on real estate businesses, why?.here again the answers are impossible and to some extant obscure because people prefer those kinds of businesses that deliver the profit at very low time of intervals, in some others easy words every individual wish to reach at " rich destination ",very soon.
" patches of lands", "purchasing old homes at very prices", " investing in the real estate businesses with partner or partners", "buying and selling real estate properties at commission", and " telling and selling ",of real estate property at some amount of some profit. Remember such kinds of real estate businesses are for those investors who have limited source of income or not so rich and those people want to start real estate businesses from zero base.


  1. Hi sir Bashir please write a note on garments defects causes & Remedies


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