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How to wear Mask

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How to wear mask?

How to buy a new mask?

Different qualities of different masks?

Reusable masks and age of masks,what about it.

Yes, in theses lines we try to analysis the above mentions tasks for the welfare of people, yes knowledge and information about "masks" quality.

Wearing mask,and making it efficient to avoid from different viral and bacterial disorders and disease in human both males and females including children.

Proper ways of wearing masks and how to destroy used masks.

Some tools and techniques, how to destroy used masks not  disturbing and changing environment .

Yes,now we come across the basic,first and foremost goals of wearing masks,but first of them all some history of masks such as needs and demand of masks during spreading "covid19" especially in year 2020 and afterward, as in these days.we shall also like to describe you ,other then "covid19" in which kind of pluated environment masks are essential and necessary. Because human life unrecoverable and likewise others people lives are so important to save as our own life. So be aware of the this crucial and critical issues ,if some one is effected with the "corona virus" please completely quarantine himself or herself more than fourteen days or till recover from this life threatening situations, because one person who is sick with such kind of virus can spread in others people those who connect with him or her through any way. please remember still in market there is no suitable and complete remedy available such "vaccine for covid19", So as every body know" prevention is batter than cure",so please prevent yourself from this disease. Why ?, because life is life and  saving life is our first and foremost duty responsibility, yes save your own life and others lives.

Now we turn to our main goals and reals purpose, but what are these,these are as under,

What are masks?

Yes,masks are special designs of fabrics that fit on our mouth and nose to cover our that area and save us,when by breathing from air,from viruses and harmful bacteria. Yes in masks two or more layers of fabrics are stitches with each others in such a ways the"system of mask"provide us clear and pour breathing air to our lungs from contaminated air with different kinds of harmful bacteria and viruses as those are very very dangerous for human life. Here basic and main purpose of wearing masks are to avoid ourselves from "covid19" of spreading/for spreading in others people or to avoid contaminate air,in which other people breath,so away wear mask during travelling or shopping from markets because by wearing mask saves yourself and saves other's lives.
Although in these days different kinds of masks are available at reasonable prices and all these depends upon the quality of masks.
Although "low quality masks " are very cheap and easily available at local shops even those low quality masks are available at roads traveling charts. But always try to buy new mask with excellent quality and of best attractive style and design. Some kinds of masks are reusable, it mean "wear and wish" and process repeat till mask age end,but because some kinds of bacteria and viruses have resistance to these washing and cleaning chemical and detergents so there much more possibilities, the mask can be contiminated with some kinds of bacteria and viruses. So always try to purchase a new of best quality.
Three are many different kinds of masks are available at reasonable prices in market places such as fabric masks, fabricated masks,fiber masks,two,three,four fitted masks,double layers mask and masks fitted with a filled chemicals bags that purified air from harmful bacteria and viruses and provide freehand pollution free air for breath to human lungs because after mouth and nose, esophagus and human lungs are organs where harmful bacteria and viruses can spread easily and cause lift threatening conditions and worse situations that's can also cause to reach the contiminated person on ventilation rooms of hospital.
But how to wear masks?
Please try to wear masks in this way that you nose+ you mouth must cover your "butterfly area",. And that wearing mask your purpose of receiving or spreading of bacteria and viruses should/must decrease till extinct when a harmful bacteria or viruses hit with mask,the mask fabric layers can stop to entering in to your nose and mouth or and if you are sick with such kind of bacterial or viruses disorders and want to save others from these damaging human health of others near you and in Homs of in office ,from where you are discharging your duties.
Yes you can wear mask in any where,where, where or there are dusty and contiminated environment where air is polluted with some kinds of impurities. Such as in textiles mills,where cotton fabrics are spread in internal rooms environment and those came damage human lungs and eyes health through working in that polluted airy environment.
Also wear mask during blowing of high speedy winds in dusty areas,where airs are contiminated with some kinds of bacteria and viruses because those can enter in to your body through breathing and can damage your health by any way.
So if you want to to outside anywhere, you want to travel in air bus or on roads or if your want to attend your boss meeting and if you want to shop something from stores always wear mask that save your nose and mouth from these damaging human health bacteria and viruses.
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