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Sex drive time and our health. Sex and human life. Food stuff and sexual health. As you eat well, you expel well enough.  

Why we study

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Why we train our self?

 Knowledge, skill and in formation.

Always try to learn something from any where.

"Knowledge is power"

Yes,knowledge is a power because every difficult and impossible, hidden and unvisitable door can be open with knowledge, with skill and with brainstorming. Please pause for a while and think about some difficulties as you faced in past and that cause failure once for you but with knowledge, skill and with regular thinking power you solve and over come on/with those difficulties, issues,problems and hidden situations. Please try to once again think about different difficult situations with them you felt life is impossible without solving them,but with the passage of time period all those difficulties, problems, issues and hard moment of life have been solved and you succeeded as a brave human. Yes,sometimes we faced very hard situation of our life and felt at that moment "it is impossible to solve those issues,problems and difficulties but with the passage of time period all those difficulties, issues and problems are solved by you,but how,here always remember" time is a remedy for solving all impossible and difficult situations ",but don't loose your courage and patience. Yes,but what is courage and patience?

First of we remove to our first heading" what is knowledge ",and how" knowledge make all impossible thing as possible ",and all difficult situations convert in to solvable conditions and possible state. Yes knowledge is power because knowledge provide to someone basic skill" how to face difficult, impossible and unknown situation. Yes knowledge provide us "how to deal with others on different occasions such as, when pressure of work is very forcible, when someone is disappointed, when someone is feeling" impossibilities about facing difficult situations,when someone is disappointed by life and going to think about darkness of future,when someone is ready to do something difficult and impossible.

Yes knowledge force someone to bear impossible and difficult situations and think about those paths that can show that destination of success for success and future success.

But what kind of knowledge can prove best guider for future success, such as theoretical knowledge that arose feeling and thinking power in someone and an other knowledge is technical knowledge and this knowledge provide us skills such as theoretical skill,conceptual skill and "people skill", here always remember people skill provide us" how to deals with others people at some where place and this place is a home,a schools, collage, university and even cafeteria. Yes,people skill arose our feeling and thinking to read the brain of others people, study the faces of related and unrelated person, Yes people skill guide us how to deal with our relations and how to make relationship with others people at any place.

Knowledge is a greatest and fastest power because with this power we make our both ends meat evey day,Our all sources and resources are created by our knowledge, by our thinking and with our brainstorming. Yes no one like to nominate himself as a success person with out knowledge why?, although this question is very simple, ugly and meaning less but once try to brainstorm about little phrase and try to make guesses "how this question is meaning less", and why?.Once you think about this question and this question can open some door of success, especially for those whose are hopeless and angary with facing/faced situations in past or there are some visible or invisible chances to face those difficulties and problems again in future life. As every body know difficulties, problems and hardship can not provide signs and symbols for/to stopping the charming moment of life days,so be ready to enjoy those difficulties and problems with knowledge, with technical skill,with conceptual skills and with the people skill.

Why we gain knowledge?  Why?

Because knowledge is our need!

Because knowledge is requirement of age?

Because knowledge provide us" how to make money that is a necessity for/of our life"?.

Because knowledge provide us wisdom and thinking power and what is a power and force?

Because knowledge is a custom, rites and genetic transferable property?

Because knowledge show us right path for right destination of success ?

We gain knowledge for impress others and want to hear some words of " praise from others",.

"If knowledge is  power" and at what place,at what position to use that power, because "power" is usees and utilises at suitable points and" what are these /those climax?

Remember our needs,our wants,our wishes,our requirements and our demands are unlimited but there are shortage of different sources and resources, so always try to gain knowledge about some thing that provide you some facilities, some fundamental wishes and essential necessities of life but "religious knowledge and practice" is first and foremost duty of every one to learn and spread for others people and of others people because worldly knowledge is moveable property and religious knowledge is moveable and immoveable property because only once word can improve once life and likewise only once word can damage the future life,so faith and unity is an essential and important remedy to solve difficulties, problems and impossibilities.

These linear are written with a goal and here my goal is to teach others people and provoke other people how to face difficult situations as come across some or all of them,because our life is full of some kinda of difficulties and hard situation. Here again if someone face such kinds of difficulties in his or her life try to over come on those difficulties and problems with patience and with courage, here once again a new question arise "what is a courage and what is a patients?",. Pleas try to think as you feel or think like" what is a fear"?and from where fear appear for us,from externally or from internally ,as from our own body and mind?. Yes "what is fear for us"?. and how from fear state someone can come out from " fear situation?



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