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Sex drive time and food stuff

Sex drive time and our health. Sex and human life. Food stuff and sexual health. As you eat well, you expel well enough.  


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What about responsibilities?

We and our responsibilities.

From where responsibilities are arise or arose?

Responsibilities and our duties.

What are responsibilities?. And how one can perform well accordance with situations. When one says" our teacher is a responsible what his or her meaning?. Here in a very small quarry one can guess the word "responsibilities", but only with narrow mind can think about broad spectrum circle of responsibilities. Because human internal and hidden feeling when arise in a human mind then one can think about responsibilities how to perform then with proper and well manners. Now some furthermore these manners, these criteria ,these methods fully describes about responsibilities and all about duties. What are duties and responsibilities of "as a human being", in this world?. How one can become and call a" responsible person ",only when someone perform all duties as of all with responsibilities in a mature or immature society. Always remember responsibilities are face when someone perform some kinds of duties such a father is responsible to provide excellent food facilities, good nourishing fluids, future destination indicating educational environment and all others sources and resources for their children but remaining in a state of in hand resources and sources but as a further some one fail to provide such kinds of facilities and have full sources and resources to their kids then he is not a responsible father because first and foremost responsibility of a father is to provide all facilities to his children as religious describes, as the need of age ,as demons for future requirements and as a natural guardian of a child. But once again think about a poor father and he want to provide all need base facilities to his kids but his sources and resources are limited, here father is not in such situations to provide all facilities to his kids because sources and resources of a father is limited. If some is nominate to perform some type of tasks and some one who irregularities in his or her duties and responsibilities what name one can suggest for him or her. As we all know" action and reaction are equal but in opposite direction ", " So shall you sow,so shall you reap", yes same is true on honest and dishonest persons performance. Responsible people always complete tasks and goals at right time with suitable and proper management.
Always remember responsibilities always produce responsibilities and responsible people always produce responsible children. May this will true on those people who are a "responsible people", yes father inheritance" responsibilities "responsible characters as a transference to his child and these characters regulates to next generation so next generation can arise as a responsible nature with good habits,excellent thinking and feeling powers. But think about a dishonest and I'll feeling father who can provide thieves and  snake nature kids to the society, and those are harmful for society and harmful for next generation.
Educational environment and educational societies can produce responsibilities in individuals where someone is flourishing and living.yes this is true to some extent but not as a whole. Why?. Because in all well develop societies of the world there are present some black sheep who always try to arise the roots of crimes and cause some irregularities for others peoples and also for entire society. So education can help to increase the numbers of responsible people in society but doesn't completely eradicate the criminal people because the criminal people" genetic material",contaminated with impurities that can not be clear and wash by society or excellent educational system.
Here the next is "religious education", and religious education can increase the internal feeling and thinking power of individuals as on very high and at large scale of levels. Religious education can improve and increase the individuals positive thinking,because religious education can directly hit the human brain,from where responsibilities and duties waves gain current for lighting the bulb of " positive thinking", and these positive thinking can accumulate in individual brain and these brain can transfer such impurities free genetic materials to next generation. Yes in this way,by the and with the religious education, religious knowledge and with religious practice next generation can become pour and pious. And in this way a new society will generate, where,there are no crimes, no irregularities and no decriminalization. As a further or as mother if you are preparing yourself for producing a child,first of all increase your position thinking power and what is positive thinking please brainstorm on this word.
Age and time can also affects the limitations of responsibilities because as age and time pass every individual can learn about his or her duties and responsibilities and how,in what way one can perform well with excellent manners.
If you are a"time bond",officer and working at top level position "how will you will be a responsible person", only when you introduce new,accordance with time,both in favor of workers and organization " policies and strategies",that bonds the subordinate to perform well and achieve the goals and task from them only with regularly monitoring them,because always note and remember,
"Time bond labour can not complete tasks but are compels them to perform well according to time exchange value of money", no one is responsible for others,and others are not responsible for some one till " religious thoughts ",others can't work for you but you can do efferent to gain something plus from others.
If a manager says to his subordinates" your under working forces is not preforming well"yes he is at wrong thing position, why?,because the manager is sluggish and inactive and not want to bring changes in coordinating different activities in an organization.


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