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Manager and Mathmatic

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Managers and Mathematics.

Managerial practice and mathematical techniques.

Every manager must know about mathematical calculation and formulation.

Importance of mathematics in managerial practice.

If someone is working or discharging his or her duties at some levels of managerial posts such as at top level position, middle level position and or at lower level position it is very crucial, very important and essential to implement mathematics, mathematical formulation, mathematical calculations ,mathematical tools and techniques as with respect of working stage and working environment. If somebody know "how to apply mathematics, mathematical formulation and calculations, mathematical tools and techniques on all activities, at at all stage of working and at some where, where demands and related accessories are under the wisdoms of figures", only one and one is a successful manager at any position if some know about mathematical formulation and calculations. Yes no one can declare or claims" a successful, competent, effective and efficient manager with out the knowledge of mathematics. Why because mathematics ply key and fundamental role in managerial practice. If you know about mathematical formulation, tools and techniques then you are a successful manager because at any you can calculate and you can convert you issues, your problems and your different difficult process in mathematical formulation for solving and understanding about answers accordance with facing difficulties. Yes if some one know about tools and techniques of mathematics then some one can make decision on time,at time and with time. Please think about a production manager ,a quality manager, a planning and control section manager and a general manager in a knitwear garments manufacturing and producing export firm where working conditions are fully favorable and at full swing,yes where manager are facing many different kinds of difficulties such feeding in stitching units,every day cutting induction process and furthermore equalizing the input with every day out put. Yes please stop and think,first and foremost about the word "Management", and what about this word,how one can define the word management.

Yes,Management is coordinating different activities in an organization but again what about an "organization", and what is an organization?

Organization is an entity,where goals and objective are complete with the help of people so there are three fundamental parts are,

(1)goals and objective



But once again we return to our first heading.

Managerial practice can finish all type of coordination of activities without implications of mathematics and its correlation of others subjects. Yes during the completion of such kinds of tasks mathematics and statistics are two identical and sometimes fraternal twins sisters that produce same and sometimes identical child or children, those are results of our facing difficulties and problems, and all those and related type of difficulties are solves withe the help of mathematics plus statistics. Many different activities that are coordinate at on point of action are maps in mathematical formulation and further decision are make as are derived from mathematical and statistical indications. If a manager not familiar with such type of formulation and calculation, can't be call a successful manager. Why?.Because a manager complete organization tasks with the help of people, purpose and structure, so implementation of mathematics are are so important as food for human body or as must essential as fire need to cook different foods for consuming of human body. Although there are two types of mathematics and these are pure and implied mathematics. When human awareness are uses of mathematics increased mathematics are divided in to many other branches and as a real guardian child of mathematics are "managerial mathematic and managerial statistics", with these two identical and fraternal twins sisters managers calculate different possibilities for the completion of incoming, facing and future appearing possibilities of results thant can cause many frustrations for job tasks.

Mathematics and statistics importance are very clear at any stage of managerial practice, weather someone is discharging his or her duties at any level of managerial post. Although mathematical and statistical demands are different at different levels of managerial practice, yes please think about a knitwear garments producing factory where decision are make and calculates as a dozens, measurements are measure in centimeters or in inches and fabrics lots are weights on weight scale and then tasks and goals are organize as a for final results in such kinds of situations mathematic and statistic play fundamental role for solving and preparing road map of production and of production.

In a knitwear garments producing factory where jobs levels are organize as a general manager,marketing manager, production and planning control manager with some others manager complete organization tasks and goals and final goal is " net profit ", as for casting and pricing mathematic play crucial and important role. Even think about a lower level supervisor job position where one person controls three types of controls such as backward control+on spot control and forward control can't complete tasks and goals without implementation of mathematic and statistic. 

If someone like,wants,and looking for bright future" as a successful manager ", must try to known and try to learn about " managerial mathematics and statistics ",because without these two subject no one can gain success and future stairs of success. Furthermore who one is Master in mathematical implementation can adjust at any level of job position because a " mathematician ", can have abilities, competence and decision making power to think and solve all kind of problems as someone face during at any job level position.

Although mathematics are very difficult subjects but these are a " key for success in future life",yes it is a as "as high risks with much gain",.

If still you are not so much familiar with above mention lines,pleas stay for a while and think about a " home budget ",how a middle income earning family can make monthly budget, yes it is possible with the help of mathematic  and although here not so high level mathematics are uses but declare the importance of 'calculation and our life",. Because no one can gain success and future successful position without knowledge, understanding and familiarities with mathematics.

Although mathematic is difficult for study but its fruits are so sweets.


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