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Knitwear Masks

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What about knitwear masks?

How knitwear masks are manufacturing process at business level?

What are benefits of knitwear masks for men,women and for children?

Are you like to wear knitwear stitching masks or those of masks that are produce from others chemical materials such as hundred percent polyester.

In the market, there are many different kinds of masks are available that are make from man-made material such as polyester, nylons,Lycra mix masks, papers like masks and cotton masks,but remember these all vectors depends upon "masks qualities and masks purchasing price,but benefits from masks are so much beneficial because masks save us from " covid19", and all others harmful bacteria, and also from dusty dirt's that can damages our lungs and cause decreasing value of of health, further these and all others related factors convert as a "loss of human life" and loss of our wealth such as money and from our saving.

Now we turn on our basic topic of "knitwear masks", and these masks from which kind of materials are produce at business level. Remember knitwear masks are manufacturer as  knitwear fabric on knitting fabric machines, and completing all others related process such dying and finishing process and quality of knitting fabric process, those masks are cut according with design and style as demand of market. Because knitwear masks are stitch and make in stitching units so these are known as " knitwear masks ".Always try to remember can not completely save us from harmful bacteria and viruses because knitwear masks are of very large mash,here it mean very small holes of fabric can't stop harmful bacteria and viruses to enter in our lungs through from the rote of our nose and from our mouth. But knitwear masks are suitable for dusty environment because these knitwear masks save us from entering dusty stains in our lungs from nose and mouth through breath. Yes on the others side knitwear masks are suitable for some aged persons and a not suitable strategy for stopping harmful bacteria and viruses in little children who ages are at low years. Furthermore very young kids and children are innocent and not know the vale of health and their health is under their control of elders and holders,so always try to purchase masks of best and excellent of quality for young flowers.

In last year during,when " corona virus "appeared and spread very harshly in China Provence" wohan",yes according to some sources wohan was "producing home" of such deadly virus after named as "Corona virus", and after some time, as usual nominated as named with " covid19" by WHO.
Because this virus enter in humans body through the way of nose and mouth during breathing in contaminated air with this kind of virus. Although there are much evidence and proofs of scientific foundation that this deadly virus can live and spread in air by affected person to healthy people through the airy conditions. Yes in such situations the "makes" were manufactured at business level because demands increase as supply decrease in market.
In those days "sorts masks" were not available to all effected people so new kind of masks are invented by industry experts and tried to export to others countries of the world and demand of knitwear masks increase as covid19 spread with very high speed,especially in western countries.
When knitwear masks demand increase in international market
Because the quality depends on costing process of all products such also come tru with the knitwear masks and furthermore knitwear masks of low gramms per meter square of mufecture masks are of inferior quality and wearing of such type of masks are only formality and it is like a fashion to tell and show others people "I am safe and sound with proper covering of nose and mouth with knitwear mask", and such low cost knitwear mask can't save the people for entering bacteria and viruses in people lungs because"  corona virus "attack home", in humans body is lungs.
Yes very best,excellent and high quality knitwear masks are costly because those are base at high think and thin fabricated yarn and such kinds of yarns are precious and costly because during manufacturing process much of time and cost are needed to produced such kind of materials on automatic machine, but these knitwear masks are proper and suitable hindrance against bacteria and viruses and also against dusty particles such as harmful grains of different chemicals products or by products. Furthermore because these very high quality knitwear masks are of greatest importance due to very high thin grams per meter square and there are very little hole and chances to/of entering bacteria and viruses in people lungs are very low these knitwear masks are suitable strategy for stopping harmful bacteria and viruses from Guam lungs.
But always remember these highest quality knitwear masks are very heavy in weight and not suitable for young children. And in very young children" heavy weight "knitwear masks cause breathing problems and in this those lungs can be damage with low supply of oxygen because some chemicals especially", fabric dying chemicals" can stop proper amount of fresh air with oxygen to their lungs.
Knitwear masks are available every where in our country Pakistan in these days because knitwear masks are produce in our country Pakistan with very high and best quality.
Please always wear mask because "no mask no entry" like words are written every where on the gates and doors of many offices ,homes,hotels,supper stores,and even in hospital. So purchase of suitable quality mask from shops and stores and wear out side home and during travelling any where in your city,country or some others places.
If you like this post please share this post with your family members, with friends and also share this post on social media such on Facebook and on twitter,for the the benefits of other peoples. Thank you all readers.


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