Changes and our life.
Try to change your life.
How one can change oneself.
Changes and human life.
Time is passing or staying at one still point,or time is changing as we are changing our own, our daily habits,our way of living,our health conditions, our thinking possibilities, our future vision process,our feeling about others and our own to,our right ,wrong and our positive thinking, our routine wise working hours,our eating, our sleeting times,our environmental responsibilities and our life spending criteria that can effect our own health as well as others health conditions. Are we responsible for others and also for us. Yes we are snooker and with our smoking we are polluting our safe and sound environment, from smoking we are causing poisonous effect for others people we will breath in such bad polluted air and in such way others can become sick,they destroy money,time and become disappointed about/their health conditions. Yes are we throwing thorn for others on their way of journey and we are hopping others can do or provide a golden way of chance for us,provide us some facilities for our future life,please think we are at wrong way of feeling, we are at wrong way of thinking and we are giving a deceive to ourselves, because our feeling, our thinking and our brainstorming is not positive, it is negative as a sick person can guess during full power attacks of diseases. As a honest and responsible and honest citizens of state,we provide and always try to provide all such kinds of facilities, all such kinds of treatments and all such kind of "best delivery" to others and then we hope from others, his they can provide us what best kind of treatment to us but always remember all this is possible only and only when your our way of treatment is proper, when your own thinking is positive and your your own start is friendly. Remember friends make friend and friends make a society and if society is friendly, suggestive, positive and at long terms relationship then our ways of life will change, our way of thinking can change and our habits can improve our health and our mind set. Yes there will be no disturbance in our own "internal society", because our own internal body system become and can detects " Ruth and wrong", ways and paths,and way and paths of success for our own,for others and even for our neighbouring hoods. Yes some and only some changes can make our life much safest and easier than those who are people but with ill think and like to bring negative changes in society and also in this world.
Yes,if your free and like to travel with me only for a while then think about a"selfish person ", as I am a selfish or who one is so selfish for others, these are only observations we try estimate for others, not for our self. Why this is so for others not for me, because my feeling, my thinking and my facing situations every time impress me " how I think proudly to myself ",and try to ignore my own feeling,own thinking and point out my own benefits for my own accord. But this is not true,it will be only when try when others benefits are as important as my own. Remember selfish people always try to deceive and treacherous for others people because they always try to think about their own benefits.
" Selfishness "is always a cancer for tribes,for families, for friendship, for relationship, for growing healthy habits and a poisonous disorder for society. And as a wise person you try to ignore the friendship, relationship and closeness with selfish people because they will try to sting you like a poisonous snake and they try to disturb your life, in such way selfish people try to discharge to through thick and thin and provide you doses of" own interest ", .
If we bring some suitable changes in our life,in our daily habits,in our ways of thinking, in making relationship with others, in preparing our self for our future and more so to changing with time and age,so always try to change yourself accordance with requirements of time, age,environment and as the demand of situation but not sacrificing the rights of others people. As a human being it is our first and foremast duty to protect the rights of others people.
Changing life,changing ways of life and changing our self is demand and necessity of time and if you stop here for a while and look around,observe people and people of society, please observe successful people and who tried and step forward for up stairs of pointed destinations. All those successful people change their habits and ways of life with time and age.
For success change your habits,in this way change your life.
"But changes must be in positive direction not at negative sides",.
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