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Sex drive time and food stuff

Sex drive time and our health. Sex and human life. Food stuff and sexual health. As you eat well, you expel well enough.  


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Seniority and authority 

Why seniors threatens to juniors? This same and all true in all working fields.

Is this a reality in all societies of the world,?working environment and situational procedure 

Why juniors afraid off from Seniors.
Yes all such this depends upon environment and on the places ,on where,from where someone is discharging his or her duties.
Because there are many different kinds and types of working fields, from where someone can earn something for consuming and fulfilling his or her wishes, wants and everyday needs.(May be there twenty four different kinds of departments, as HRM describes)
Yes,first and foremost priority here is "what is authority", and how someone can gain some kind of authority. Although there are many different definition of word " authority ",such as in Muslims faith and believes " Almighty Allah is one and only one authority, having entire controls of whole of the universe. And nothing can appear in the entire universe without Allah will and power. Yes all authorities are "Authority of Allah", .
But according to different languages dictionaries the word authority is associated with these some of the words," command and control "," giving and complete orders", although this word authority has very wide and broad meaning because "subjective and objective", are various from situation to situation and different from place to place.
But in earning fields from where someone can make money and complete learning process and there tiers of authority or authorities are must,why because tasks and goals are finish are the " command and control ",of authority or authorities. Yes authority are gain through/with ability and competency, if some one is 
able,efficient and hard worker can gain authority for control and orders very soon because all this depends upon environment situations and such situations are possible only from where" working environment is flexible and in the favor of human health possibilities. For instance think about the "authority", of the religious teacher who teaches different religious practice with the help of " internal competencies and abilities "as some one process through practice and with the help of regular studies of related field. Remember a religious teacher teaches the students through" way of environmental methodology and criteria ", or as ex ways are running through rites and customs.
Yes, please pause for a while with me and think again about the word authority and it's related clauses,and what are your own observation and outlooks about authority.
Yes,as a researcher, as a student, as a learner, as instructor, as a teacher, as a Commender and as a top level chair holding authority all
are there due to experience, practice, skill, knowledge, with the internal abilities and of course only with competencies.
Authorities are authorize to complete a task goal within time limits intervals and for all kinds of control as are related with that field. Such as think about" authority ",of a top level three star general of force,as in some countries of the world three types of forces are at command and control position, army,neavy and air force, and there is entire control holder is" Chief of staff" may be a major general or a leautinent general, who command and hold the control of whole of the force. Yes authorities are delegate through experience and experience gain with some time periods and with the help of practice.
Importance of authority orders: Authority orders are so important, please not comprises any way on those orders because sometimes whole of the national interest are associated with that commands.
As a new learner of English language here I try my meet to understand the circulation of authority in the body of different systems and related subsystems. But here my first and foremost aim and goals was write some about the "authorities of knitwear garments stitching units" where some golden slogan are prevailed such as "afraid from Seniors and trial such on juniors", yes it is true or wrong but there are some reality in this sentence. Why, because junior always afraid off from Seniors. Although this is very long way of writing and talking.


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