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Sex drive time and food stuff

Sex drive time and our health. Sex and human life. Food stuff and sexual health. As you eat well, you expel well enough.  

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 Riddles for the wise people and who wish to learn something.

Please,always try to think about positive sides and not about dark sides of individuals agilities and competencies.

Again please think and brainstorm about "wisdom and knowledge",and train others people. 

" All's are possible and nothing is impossible in this world ", and yes "think about before you speak", Why ?

Because our feeling, our thinking and our brainstorming can open all hidden,close, invisible and impossible doors of success in future and for future life days. Yes,please again with me make try to think" there is nothing impossible in this world ",yes,look through at the way of very very long and lengthy destination and someone try to reach at last point of the destination, first someone take start only with the help of six inch own foot,and as try try again at last reach at final and end pont of destination. So all things and all difficulties as some one face during life time period are possible to solve them with positive thinking and regular brainstorming. As everyone know after dark night a light day appear so every failure is possibility of success. But always remember" chances are once appear and disappear soon,so don't miss a chance and make available chance complete use able and benefit about that available chance,because chance never come to face evert time in hand and remember "if some chance lost ,some part of life lost" so benefit with the available chance through some way and don't lost a chance.
Once a time an old person asked a young boy,told me "salvation of  riddle" and what was the riddle,Yes here some about a riddle.
How,in what way someone beat or kill an animal,but in that way someone don't kill you. 
Although this little question was not so different but the age and experience of young and little boy was some poor,so young boy requested to the old man for some days for answering the question.
But in what way little and young boy think and brainstorm to solve the old man riddle. Here is possibility "what,why and how", the young boy solve the old man question.
First of all the young boy count the all body parts and then count the animal body parts and then compared with two marched and unmatched body parts. With the help of thinking one body part of that animal was not marched with his own body part,and that animal body part was " tail",.
When again they met and boy told the old man"if some one kill or beat an animal from "tail" nobody can kill or beat the"man" with part because human being are without tail.
So every problem have a salvation and related salvation can gain with the help of own thinking and with the help of thunder brainstorming.
Sharing with others are not possible way of solving problems and difficulties as someone is facing with own situations and conditions, only own feeling, thinking and brainstorming can open the difficult, close and hidden doors of success.
So don't afraid off from failure because it is the first and sometimes foremost "stair" for future life success. If some one fail, try again, try again, at last destination will be at foot as after dark night a light day appear.
After reading these golden lines if someone wish to"take some gains for future life"make courage and set aims and goals for future life.
After some days again the old man and young boy meet in a village sides garden. The old man again asked some wise able question as riddle from young boy,but what was some of them questions ,one of them is as under,
The old man look at boy lovely face and asked "tell me that thing that as increase, decrease at the same moment", what is that thing?. And how one can calculate that limits and intervals on hand fingers. The young boy requested to the old wise man,tell me,
(1) That thing is a " thing" as materialistic,
(2)That thing is visible or invisible,
(3) Can we see that thing with our naked eyes  or not?
(4) Did that thing increase at the same limit and as decrease at the same time interval limit,
(5) Can some one can touch with hands and can feel quality, character and properties at same time?.
(6)Can one estimate and feel that time limits and someone can prescribe about that thing in figures?.
The old wise man smile and forward the taking as under these words. Although these worlds are golden words 
and everyone must learn some thing from these golden words of the old wise man.For understanding those golden words,those are as ,
Yes that "thing" is a"thing" for the average mind people, and for wise people that thing is some time visible and some time invisible, because wise think about that thing some time and some time they ignore that thing,but for you "tell me some thing that " as increase, decrease at the same time limit",Now tell me about that thing.
The boy was although very young and inexperience about the riddle difficulties, but brainstorming power was with them ached as "skin with human body",.
The young boy pause for a while and replied to the old wise man with these golden words" our life","human life","life and death",. But in what way.
Our life is increasing as days are passing and at the same time some one is loosing the life days at the same speed.
As some one is growing, decreasing the days of life as of that way."human life is increasing or decreasing " please "brainstorm" at above mention words.


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