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Sex drive time and food stuff

Sex drive time and our health. Sex and human life. Food stuff and sexual health. As you eat well, you expel well enough.  

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 Although there are many dangerous, poisonous and more harmful things in this world, yes some of them cause harmful and dangerous signs when these realise someone is threatening their lives,but there are some dangerous creature that can harm someone without some kinds of benefits. Please think about a snake and a poisonous Snake if bite someone, may be that someone alive for sometimes but if a beautiful girl and attraction of her beauty attack on someone,surely there is no chance available to alive for sometime,why?,because may be handsome, adolescent and pretty girls beauty attacks on soul and heart of someone and that can destroy the future life of someone.

Yes same is true for a beautiful girlfriend and if girlfriend is sexy,beautiful, handsome and agile then there is no way to leave her love gravity and as time paste the invisible attraction magmatic powers can increase and life of someone changes in to difficult situations. But I think same is not fit and true for a boyfriend. Remember boys are loyal, faithful and strict believer, may be,there are nature of males,so men can't try to change live wave path of future as change the females, but still final results are obscure and dim because exact data in not available ,with the help of that someone determine the future likes and complete wishes, but it is reality and truth "girlfriends", always try to someone if her wants and demands are not fulfill on time and if some kind of irregularly occur during at any stage of relationship then her directions of lovely eyes changes and stick with someone wealthy person. Please believe these are not norms and value of relationship changes form society to society. Yes such as there are some close and religious base societies where it is prohibit to have a girlfriend. But here as aim suggest" noons can harm your other than a girlfriend ", So please be aware of from girlfriend dangerous attack because these happen when someone is in a critical situations.

But what about a beautiful wife?

A beautiful wife is a blessing if she live in a love circle but when a beautiful wife cross the boundaries of last extent of patience of husband then lines appears and beautiful face look like a monster. Handsome wife is a weaknesses of a husband and as it is the nature of men,they depends on wives,but some times beautiful wife can harm in such a way someone not know" how he is bite by a dragon ",.

"Beauty is a enemy for females", yes beauty is a dangerous for females because thieves first try to thief s the beauty than gold. If you are a beautiful female with handsome look and shape,you must be careful about your beauty.

Second a beautiful wife is a risky thing for a husband because many eyes try to cross match the beautiful eyes and may be there are wrong and negative chances to steel to beautiful thing from you someone else body. Furthermore a beautiful wife can improve a worse experience for a honourable husband. Some olden and golden tales describes about the faithlessness of beautiful wife's in such a way as beautiful wife is a precious and most costly creature for husband but when harsh times arrives on husband shoulders the beautiful wife change the directions and separation is must in such situations.

Potential risks and wife behavior if someone not try to study at every moment of life then there are chances that the beautiful wife can change the husband at any time. Those husband who came across with such situations declare " only money and wealth can cause of a beautiful wife to remain as wife of a husband and if 'no money,no wealth' then there is no wife", as we can observe in our society poor people are spending their lives without wife because they are not owner of costly home,costly vehicles, costly things and there is no source of highest value income.

Some people claims with observations and with experience "wife is the name of wealth", if you are wealthy person then you can have many wife at one time,even those person who have many wife ,days wrath is the auto machine that can spontaneously produce circumstances that's favor as polygamy" to have many wife at one time and enjoy life days with them", but much amount of money is first,foremost and essential thing that required to bond different cyclone in one molecule of husband life. But if time change,turns and remain at only one point of poor circle then wife shape and behavior changes at once and there are chances "greedy wife can change husband with wealth of beauty",.

Although a husband life is at highest level risks and every instances of life there are dangers and these dangers can destroy the husband life if wife is sexy and greedy but there are remedies and treatments such as" always sturdy and daily observe the behavior of wife on regular basis, if someone husband feel the wife behavior is changing, the wife demands are increasing day to day and her behavior indicates the waves of negative habits,negative behavior, negative thinking and changing eyes direction then be careful about your life.

Yes same is true on a girlfriends. If your girlfriend is beautiful and handsome with positive behavior and you are wealthy person then remember this bonding of relationship is the reward of your wealth.

Wealth attracts girlfriend or a girlfriend is in the need of only wealth not a boyfriend?


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