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Contents are king

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 Why contents are king?

Contents quality and reader attraction.

Always write new thoughts.

How to choose new heading.

Yes contents are king because all writing on papers or on shining screen if without quality,reflects old ideas,show essay type words and sentences and if writing is not base at new ideas,new thoughts and new creativity then yes there is no value in the eyes of readers,in the eyes of audiences and there is no attraction of new readers. Here question is what types of contents readers like, choose to read, always care author writing and share, forward to others only if contents of writing is well organise, well shape,attractive looking and contents are meaning full with some kinds of new purpose, new ideas and new thoughts of times and age. Yes "contents are king", because if contents are frame on old ideas, old thoughts and old notions then no body want to study those contents because many contents shows those contexts that are already produced by some one else and those are laying on internet or on papers of books. These previous ideas " old is gold",fit fix on substances but fail to attracts readers because always remember readers always choose new things and those writings that can change the life and life related criteria yes only those writings that polish the ongoing thoughts and converts then into practical performance. If you are new writer,new trial run base bolts pages&posts writers then choose those kinds of contents that are new,modern and full of charming of individuals lives. If your contents such as columns, pages,posts and poetry doesn't able to bring changes in the minds of readers then value decrease and no body open or to touch your contents,yes this is as waisting of precious time,money and worthy wealth.

Yes contents are king because king rule over the whole country small or large by area but individuals lives standards measures the success point of planning same is true for contents, but what are contents and what mean contents, here first of all we introduce you some about contents then detail study of quality contents with examples and phrases. Why because these are lessons and lessons are tech in intervals of time period.

Yes contents are king only if those contents represent new things,new ideas,,new thinking, new knowledge, new information and new thoughts. For instance "if some one expert in technical SEO claim there is no seo but it fraud because when somebody become fimilar with search engine optimization then the search engine updates the algorithms and new indexing, coverage issues and problems appears on website health, security and in this way heavy amount of website budget go in lose because only monopoly of search engine indicates the optimization plus others benefits and profits that are only in favor of search engine management team", Yes this fit fix on all others marketing shops and all others businesses where profit is final goals. Although this content is not so different from others people thinking but present a new ideas and also nourish all old ideas,so this type of contents calls king because new things are lovely,likeable, readable and special choice of audiences who are also waiting bitterly for some thing new,a thing, information or knowledge that have ability to bring chances of changes on their lives.

Yes contents are king because new things are welcome very warmly and with very happiness. So creating new things please don't sacrifice morale, ethics and human stability on all realities because every body have a brain with thinking power to differentiate among Rights and wrong, so please during writing something new for audiences first of all you think about the contents ,contents quality,contents quantity and contents values as what in the eyes of readers and loyal readers who want some thing new from you and also those readers trust on you to satisfy them with some new tools and techniques of changing lives. For example if someone is working on search engine optimization and about future technologies and some experts declare that search engine optimization is a timely tool to introduce new contents with keywords and in near future artificial intelligence can replace the keywords space and algorithms formulate at the base of search engine optimization can stop because as "the need of age and time", so if someone wish to gain benefits at on timely base is suitable but for future hope,these are worthless and without future hope. Because search engine optimization formulations changes and new tools and techniques can bring changes in internet technologies.

Yes contents are king because only one king rule on,hold command and control, give orders and accepts requests of people as an application or direct request yes this same is true and fit fix for near, clean and thoughtful contents. Yes contents measure the success of writing with best kinds of contents, although somewhere contents quality,length and style introduce new types of ideas and thinking, remember page or post ranking measurement level determine the interest of audiences and readers because every one individual prospective about perceptions and ideology choose reading materials on need base and if keyword hit the top level click but there is nothing for changing something is valueless because nothing gain,nothing lose, and in such way no likes to click and read some things from pages and posts.

Yes contents are king, when one speak this short tail phrase here quality is only quality not measure the success of writing but quality denotes the contents must be free from faults and defects such contents on pages or from posts must be free from grammatical errors, like as natural language processing contents, audiences and readers friendly and these contents contain reading materials that have a basic abilities and sways changing lives of others people. Here new thoughts and new ideas can play important role to attracts readers and loyal readers who can always study website material on regular basis. Remember quality contents only measure the styles and shapes of contents but not guarantee the successful click through rate values .I think here quality is only decoration and external decorations of contents but materials in contents is a special key to open the door of successful destinations if,only if contents with arrow head,burning with hot fire piles,regular and direct circulating chain of long length and the "attraction of interest of readers", count measure the climax point of successful web pages and posts. Yes only one page or post can create passions and interests in readers and readers again and again wait bitterly for new reading materials. 

Yes contents are king because" contents strategy ",and " contents quality ", directly relates with the interest of readers and audiences but here what mean strategy and quality of contents?. This will explain in details I'm further paragraphs and some lengthy posts because this topic contains many tips,tool and techniques such as " videos in contents ", " picture in contents ", " natural beauty and natural colours background measure the future success and future success destinations.

As like every other body I also believe on this one tail keyword " contents are king", but for creating, writing and presenting "new thoughts", is cumbersome burden but but these are not impossible and these are not in the hands of every body strength and many people are trying to gain success spot but sometimes successful destination and sometimes failure is the last and final results as outcome of struggles.

Now question arise" how to write quality contents ", with new thoughts and ideas and those contents attracts the readers and audiences to students those contents regularly and always be loyal to those contents, here for hints some experts suggests experiences, research,agility,awareness, stylish skill,future prospects, time being and relevant events,regular brainstorming on new upcoming and appearing on the !ap of world scars of light and much more for understanding the needs and timely demands of people. Experience or expertise tries are not success keys but people skills and language processing factors are not only all alone but provides basic guidelines of success for such kinds of future projects.

News are also known as" king of contents ", because new things is represents the interest of people because news are new contents full of charming facets and figure so audiences and readers interest in a common key of successful future.


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