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Life and age

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 What is life?

What is age?

What is difference between life and age?

How some one can differentiate life from age?

Human life with the passage of time.

What is time and what is age?,how some one can calculate the life period and age circulation in the space of entire life time period. What is importance of feeling, thinking and brainstorming on these two world but these are not only words but these are realities associated with our life Spain and some one think he or she is going upstairs of life cycle but infect he or she is loosing the precise life time and turning nearer to end or death period. What about the end of human life or death ,although this topic is very lengthy and religious affairs, religious education, religious practices, religious knowledge, religious information and personal thoughts ,believes, notions and thinking is foundations for the understanding of difference between life and age. But common words someone can says"o am living person and my breath is continuous ", regularly,, but during life period we not think about our end that is known as death and death is inevitable. Please observe in your society from where your are living and passing the days of life. Yes,but in what way life days are passing but passing and losing the every  moment of life as death or end of life become nearer. Every second and  in every minute we are and our life travel to next age. Here question arises what is " life and what is age?.and difference between these two word not only indicates the ringing bell of alarming us"don't waste your life in age or time that is passing very swiftly and there are no tools,techniques, remedies and dealing instruments to cope with time or age and compromise to stop the time or age for gaining the benefits of living long in this mortal world because there are no no hopes of entertainment to teaching themselves for living long other then our natural life spin. And please one important and essential point for remembrance is human life is blessing of Allah and don't lose life second in ignorance way such as "life without activities and without performing duties and responsibilities as these are pillars of human life otherwise human life is like a stone laying on the way of paths sides and is charming with shape and look for those ,yes for those who are ignorant and those feeling and thinking are limited till worldly hopes of ideas. So here our question again and still under  quench state and empty conditions" what is life and what is age?", and "what is difference between these two conditions", as on qualitative and quantitative ways of feeling and thinking, but yes what type of procedure can differentiate these two points of importance.

Age is like time passing as we count ones age as four years and five months but life is in broad meaning is subjective and objective such as our life with full charming of entertainment and with all luxuries of passing days. Although one can not separate life from age because these are two sides of one page and two of one page can have different written materials with different handwriting, with different colours of inks,with many high and lines on paper, with different rows or columns, with different line and length and more so quality of writing contents or articles with different major,minor, subheading and whole paragraph I'm light or normal mode. Remember our age starts from appearing the light of day till darkness of night and again appearing the light of day,as fays are passing with respect to time for wording naturally, yes this is mane and nominate as age and this is measure in days, weeks, months,and in years. Yes in this counting way of day of life is age but what about life and life properties as are associated withe time period. Although quarries about "what age and what is life?." Is very interesting and negotiations topic under the heading of human life philosophy and this philosophy is is not so easy to explain in some words and in some lines but these needs feeling,thinking and agility of understanding the difference between time and human life such as when one speak "I am fourth for years old", in others words someone is telling" my life is gone as fourth years ,here life is directly related and associated with the time period of fourth years. please once again think about"life is or life days are calculate in time period is a real and natural life day ,"but what is about age?,

Yes once again we spouse "there is no time period with respect to human life", and human life is going in a fee space where changing of seconds,minutes, hours,weeks, months and years are fraud are treachery for human understanding, human natural feeling and human thinking with respect to time frame where human being is living" in life cycle ", and this changes are call as human life directly of indirectly related with age or Tim and as with space where changing environment and changing conditions measures and measurable tool for counting the day of human life. But once again some type of consumption, hypothesis, guessing, estimation with theoretical and mathematics formulation helping, religious guide lines and help of experts and researchers someone can suggest the end results about" what is different between life and age?".

But remember for the invention of new thing require time period and history about the new topic of search or research and history provide us some old and gold points for understanding the difference these two words as these two words are associated from the existence of human life or latter appear in the minds of every one life spending body and passing days or passing of time in space.

Yes today again what about the difference between life and age. But first think about the time as past, as present and as future,and we count these in the change of day and night ad twenty four hour are our day and night. Yes as scientific study indicates that with the revolving of of our earth these kinds of changes took place and these are naturally cycle of changes but there is only age no time. Once again think about the mind mature of those people who first tried to developed that system of "time measuring in very small,small,medium ,large and I'm very large units. For example who first introduced the motion is measuring time in second yes what was the purpose of that man or community and how facilitated those society members. Why further others subunits of time are divided in to others serial wise units such as minutes, hours day and nights. Here now again some close type and open end question arise such as,

First time invented people bond the minds of human being in time intervals.


Time bond the brain of human being to accept the change of nature,


The way and method we measure the time is a fraud with the human being.

And if,

There is/was no measuring units and sub units of time then only age with out word life or only age is countable for human being.

And what happen with or in nature and in the natural environment if time is counts as a fraud for human being.

And what happen with artificial or man made time was calculated on the base of some others units, was there some type of errors in this/that system human being accept time system with whole heartily with full enjoyments of in the changing shapes of circle of time period as with the changes of day,nights,months and years. And why there only and expect sixty seconds in a minute ,sixty minutes in an hour and there are twenty four hours in a day plus night. Yes here again and again, new for new "what was the real chemistry of the minds of those people who first invented the cycle of measuring the time as a calculation of our daily life routine and we are playing in the hand of time. Although history indicates only achievements of time invented not some negative sides and sides effects on human life.

As common person can guess if time was not invented by so many years (age?)ago ,what happen with our life or lives. Our daily of routine wise activities stop or continue and was there no alternative type of " time invention ", was it necessary and essential to introduced time for human being the bond strongly the minds of people even out feeling, even our thinking and even our life all activities are time bond why? Yes other then " our dreams "as we feel in the live screen of our brain during our fast sleeping, yes when our conscious and unconscious disconnect and try to gathers different pictures and events of past and future in the the form of lives videos or panorama, so!e times as changing scenes of past or future while someone is sleeping and laying on his or her bed in bed room sleeping state. (Why?). 

Although history reveals history til the hidden points of roots as there are many research on time by scientists, scholars, experts,wise propel and by mathematicians yes those people argue at only one point and that point is" time is not in zero value",why because there is no time but it is age and revolution in these concepts valued as final and last treatment with these each others. So measuring time on watches,on digital instruments and on others tools with same techniques is reliable or unreliable but there is no alternative suggestion or experiments with new type of time zones measuring technology and this is only spreading of foundations as are founded by so early age people. Yes here extant is not clear and hidden points and obscure because human minds are bond with only one subject and alternative measures are still out of human understanding and methods of suggesting the new tools,techniques and instruments with them new correlation may be possible.

Yes may be new and next generations try to feel,think and brainstorm at the difference of "age and life", what is relationship between these two and what correlation expounding new relations types between these two realities,, but till this our brains are under the sway of these two subjective type lines of infinity where they can touch each others but inevitable reality as " death", or end of life is common observation with naked eyes values.

Human mind naturally except or deny the realities it also depends upon religious effects on human brain but still opinion of scientists and experts indicates "mathematical formulations", with theoretical analysis of Tim with respect to age,yes here age is time and life are days passing in valued frame of references with respect to counting of days and night.

May be our human body matter(weight) is directly relates with the time as age and life are two sides of one page,so life time is measure in age and age is like wide and unmeasurable space but till our eyesight work is a white hole and black hole concept are still at ground for experimental process but still only point for research not with some alternative specific and alternative choice, why are the reasons why our brains feel and think at one point and thinking of many people are same,although this is still obscure and in future many can/will raise till new generations try to solve these issues and problems withe the help of scientific formulations, instruments ,tool and new techniques as will come across and face for facilities of mankind, the answer is easy and solvable but not very near future but need million of years as old civilization revolved gradually but not at once and suddenly, spontaneous events can in existence and serial continued till facilities for  human came foreword for helping the sub continues process.

Remember those people they first measure the time was not so educated with respect to  in these day scientific education, tools,techniques, instruments and way of knowledge and information but it was the need of that age to discover the facilities for making human life easier and it is also reality those experts and wide people not know "how next generations can cooperative with time measurement scales and related sub units,for example they might be not know a watch will be invented in future for measuring the time in seconds and minutes and who invented the needle pointer watch not know the next generations can transfer this in to digital figures or seven segments sights on the screen of half or only one inches. Even might be those people might not think about continues progress in the betterment in that invention but as time is teacher and teaches many kinds of techniques while passing from one generation to next generations or changes in generations cause the revolution in the history of time but life need some new types of facilities and thee facilities are foundation of next and new invention. Still the answer for the difference between life and age is obscure and in some next lines can describes these but not in detail,and for detail study please try to make your own observation and brainstorming for understanding the difference between them.

What is the age of our space(environment), what is the age of time and how one should calculate the exact age of time with respect to today's measures system of units. yes the answer will be nil with only "time,specs and matter", theory but reality is still for away from the exact understanding of human mind. Not go for away and think about the running speed of the internet that runs on devices if time match with the internal clock of the devices but why this not same true with human brain watching dreams and spiritually there are some hidden affects but still invisible and these will remains invisible till the invention of new tools,instruments and measurable techniques. Now age and life difference is near to solve the riddle " how life differ from age and what age is call and why?."

In some simple words someone can speak while distinguishing life from age is as under and in this way,

Life is floating in a invisible space that are true to name as time and this time is also known is age,when some speak pir ages are unstable and till last end is death it mean "life end in a special interval of time or age still clarity is darkness and new assumptions can cause to solve the problems with the help of applied mathematics and mathematical formulas but quest for completely understanding about real and exact difference is suitable because life is purposeful with the passage of time period and gaining these purpose of life  in special frame of references or with respect to time period is under the affects of age so if some body is not affiliated with life them wrongness is possible because without life alls are like stones and valueless till breathing of life is flowing in age and in very simple words all life activities are under regulate with time period and this is call as age.

Life is life if someone is enjoying in environment and this environment also call age because age is not bond with life but life is bond with age.


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