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 What analysis mean?

Analysis as way of talking.

What about analysis scope and methodology?

Analysis "as way of own interest",

Analysis and our future.

"Political Analysis"

Analysis and own interest and benefits.

Analysis is essential tool or remedy for achieving goals and future benefits.

Criteria. How to analyze different issues,different problems, different political hindrance as on the way of suggesting some type of salvation.

Critical issues,problems, hot topic,relevant situational and conditional and methodology of analysing those as a"profitless "," without own interest ", " and suitable and effective remedies for audiences",.

Analysis and analyst mind state,purpose and scop

Analyst duties and responsibilities.

Journalism, journalists and analyzing terminologies.

In these days media and live analysis of different "current affairs", issues, hot topics and discussing with rivals, arch rivals different topic on different heading with " of what type of details studies", and time intervals during analysing a special issues.

Analysis and talk shall,

Analysis and even quarreling.

Live media,social media and print media and writers likes,dislikes,interests and way of analyzing different current affairs.

Hot fire discussions and analyzing techniques, tools,logical views, and anchors body language, ways of talking, making decisions behavior, and connection with interest parties.

Truth,realities,real figures, and sketching map of future for others peoples on the ground of details studies/editing live show talking and discussing words with words lines and phrases " yes how to measure qualitative and quantitative analysis ", for the guiding others peoples," what is right and what is good or excellent ", " how to choose and select right path for future destination.

On live media anchor person analyse the topic with some suitable words and show unwillingly/willingly own likes and dislikes even guide others peoples to run through on that path as she or he describe and yes one and only he or she is at right path. Yes there are no type one or type two errors in discussions details. Why?.

Two or more anchors holds chairs with some analysts and try to discuss different current affairs issues and public related matters in such a way as those are only aware with those all problems and difficulties. On live way they try to inform others peoples or audiences they have a magic knowledge power of awareness of all those issues and salvation techniques are discuss with each others because audiences are those peoples who are ill educated and unaware with those issues but those peoples are facing such kinds of difficulties but here remember those analysts and anchors are increasing the rating ratios only discussing there related and some times unrelated discussions. Yes all those are useless,without benefits, without giving or informing others "they are those who are discussing reality and real matters and only this is try", but same topic of dissuasion are at fire on an other live new channels, where topic is same, related facts and figures are same, time intervals are same but analysts and new channel anchors are different and those are discussing same topic about current affairs but talking ways are different, nor only different but very contrary as some one try to comprise those with each others. Please try to observe those chair persons likes,dislikes and favourites but at what scale of rationalism?. Here understanding about and for reality and truth the balance scale is " statistics and mathematics', as is relate and relevant with that topics. But it is natural way of making observation about truth and reality, but again in what way some one can analyse those anchors and analyst discussion analysis on the base of truth grounds and pious ways of nature and habits. Here knowledge, information, relevant study about topic,statically and mathematically facts and figures, opinion of others journalists, keen study of root cause analysis of those issues and matters and mor so a rational scale that denotes and describes about "truth and reality",.

Analysts,journalists,anchors persons and media connected authorities are human being and those are not free from shortcomings and weaknesses so during " correct and exact analysis is sometimes with complete detail information is impossible because facts and figures as are relates with that tissues are in  some parts in darkness mood so only sketches are possible for audiences but details will/can appears after sometimes letters, why because facts are continual series of realities and arising sub issues as with the passage of time period,that's why are remains gape and extra targets for future facets. So some kinds of errors are possible in such analysis making as in decisions making falcate. Please here think about two words difference and these two words are issues and problems. And yes what is difference in "issues", and " problems ", .How these two words are varying with each others. Because during analysing current affairs, political situations, economical difficulties, society related matters and logical views on international affairs are difficult task for raising prophecies and if some hidden issues are not bring under utterance and remains without discussion or only claims such as " I am true", " you are wrong ", such claims can destroy the entire circle of discussion and reverse sway on the audience and as every one know audience can increase rating ratios. Yes here one important and essential point of/for understanding is" audience are real judges and points raising authorities ", and these audience can increase rating ratios of any media only when they think " such analysis can cause to bring so!e changes in society ", and can bring positive affects in the people minds,peoples thinking and at last for whole of the society.

Yes this age is the age of media. But live media is crossing over others medias ,but social media is not for away from live media and print media will remain in lower points on the scale of rating ratios. Because communication coverage is digitalize in such advance age,someone can claim it " as the age of technology ", and advance technology bring changes in media circulation.

Although there are no and nothing proper way of rules to/for analyze some common or important topic but ethnical tools and techniques introduce some basic and fundamental grounds points which can raise" questions and answers ", by measuring the past history with the present situations and future demands of results is analysing some type of topic but here ethical suggestions as are provided by society norms, rites and facets. But what are suitable and proper ways of analysing such as " political issues in/of a country ", are special topic for dissections in live TV programs where anchor raise questions and guest provides answers to those questions as an expert and have complete knowledge, understanding and related information although the guest can't claims about the wisdom of his experiences with that topic but body language and the ways of utterance can indicates the further directions of flow because huge numbers of audiences are watching live program with keen interest and those audience are judging the main points of shortcomings and weak points of discussion but some times the rising claims can't stop,continue through bad way and audiences stop watching the quarreling scene and scenario. Yes,but if analysis is on the ground of logics, wisdoms and flowing those as a normal way of  raising those kinds of questions as are answerable to the public and relevant society peoples then ranking factor is possible to raise at climax point of potential difference where others relevant competitions are at real word arch rivals to participate and accept the challenges of competition.

Analysing some thing is very difficult because for the purpose of analysing some one event or topic requires background study of relevant ongoing and past history, that release and subdivide in to related branches and subsystem that can describes and regulates together different points at one point of present actions as are live or for future releasing purposes. Here one important node for understanding and learning is always remember try to analyse those events of gathering that is able to vale added costs for future time intervals, here value suggests the realities and truths that's are essential roots and provide sustainable growth for rating and  for popularity in audiences world. No body as a audience can like to hear false and unrelated topic about for analysis because now a day world convert into a global village where not only TV programs are welcome but other social media players are welcoming the new comers to trial run as on new grounds and fresh services for entertaining and refreshing the societies audiences.

Remember live events and live programs are popular tools and techniques for introducing the media system on regular base but for long run and future life sustainable environment creations are fundamental but hard ground to live in audiences world. But here our focus was on only one purpose full words with studying the "analysis grounds", " analysis environment", " analysis behavior ", " analysis tools and techniques ", " analysis and our life ", " live programs and analysis ", " analysis of political situations ",  and others related quarries still remain without fulfilling because readers of this blog post can make own brainstorming and thinking " what is right and what is wrong ", because audiences are real and only from all " decisions makers ", as what is false and what is true.

Analysing skill is very difficult skill in the world because" to make analysis ", " speak on a topic", and discuss on different topics is very difficult task and facing such kinds of tasks and challenges are make  greatest differences in knowledge about some relevant field.

It is not suitable to say,all hosts are expert while analysing or fire talking on a live event or on past history claims as are discuss in live programs in these days. As some experts are Wise people suggest to joining the field of print or live media first try to make and choose some topic of discussion, study those topic related articles and study some kinds of books,hear live programs on electronic media the try to write some articles on different current affairs or make stories on public or political relationship ,if you are familiar with such techniques, you can become a famous writers, anchors or analyst.

But if some one like to become a brilliant and successful writer, anchor person, news paper article writer and a "public figure", more so wish to achieve the destination of " full famous", in public and also want to accept the challenges of time then first try to observe the environment secondly brainstorm at relevant time situations such as political, social or scientific field to inform others,what,why and how such things are changing,marking positive of negative changes on people lives. If you like to become a famous economic articles writer and economical analysts then first master in economic fields then enter in the field of media, otherwise if you are still student and wish to trial run on media them first write on "micro blogging", platforms as a new writer if you make practices for a long regular time period, in this way your experience can increase with the passage of time and writing practice can make you a perfect writer or a guest for analysing figure in society where many others peoples are trying to enter in such field,but your knowledge, regular study,continues experience and your regular hard work separate you from all of those who are trying to replace yo behind in past. As some one can observe around on live media or print circulation some eminent figure in past enter as a " ink spreading ", and after some time period those people travel on climax point of famousness and stood all alone as a public figure in international media noise.

Analysis is to differences on the base of truth and reality,if sometimes someone diverse the right direction and go on negative side to discuss some type of matters as a " false storey ", the no body or huge community of society like to hear and point on attention because there are many others who will/can describes the truth and reality of events especially associated with political figures, here on point of attention is " critical analysis ", is always bitter but with results  oriented with positive affects on the minds of audiences.

Best way of analysis is in any question as is raise by the anchor person of a guest is " try to divide analysis utterances paragraph ",in to some to the points of interesting and for masking happy to audiences such divide your talking and discussing live column as a introducing page of heading then sub heading,minor heading then your own point of views as situations indicates in a group of people or of a society, remember while making an analysis on some types of topic not only discuss or describes only negative sides but also point out positive directions and positive point of views but here one side critical suggestions are badly for future famousness and for the survival in that field why?.because audiences are also analysing the who and estimating the further reality and truth position. So please always try to balance the six sides of discussion with the host and as a guest there are some ethically duties and responsibilities to discuss and describes with such kinds of words that are forever growing and nourishing the next generations with positive effects on the minds of audiences. Here if someone try to graze the false with truth the audiences are live watching the program and understand the reality of different matters already discussed and analyzed on others different live new channels or fully described in new papers,magazines and in social media such as on Facebook and on twitter.

Please nor for for away and stay with me for while and guess about "analytical chemistry", where some one students pick  stone from a hills and with many different chemicals try to analyse that stone for the purpose of knowing the fundamental and basic elements found in that stone. Here analysis is for not living thing" stone ",only analysing the different elements as are found in that stone and different chemicals provide varieties of different properties of stone,such as the percentage of copper,percentage of sulphur, percentage of different oxides and percentage of different impurities, yes this come true on live analysis where guest and host discuss the different directions of events and relevant political situation that can cause potential effects on people and society where line program is broadcasting in the air and purpose is to informe people of society for the positive and negative sides of on direction.

Well suitable example of analysis is discussing a suit in a court of law where logical views are raise by the two or some time some more pleaders but here ground is only law and or a branch of law such as think about family court where family related rows are solve but root case analysis is complete by two parties and final judgement is announcer by top authority of court because analysis is base on logic and ground realities so final results and truth are become obvious after root cause analysis and all others related aspects are weight under total quality control management, if here some type of deflection or reflection take place on the base of like,dislike,discrimination and favouritism then right of appeal arise in the favour of low end party. Because in law analysts is only and only base at law ground so in such conditions the reality of analysis can naturally clear as a way of clarity. If some possible errors such as type one or type two errors occur during pronouncing or writing judgement, decree,or an order further analysis is possible at hire stage where law demand to describes truth and realities. Although this not fit true for live analysis because a huge numbers of public is taking keen interest at every words oa guest and host,when host put forward some kind of question in front of guest ,the guest make analysis with complete background history, with and by explaining the related past, present or coming future events in such a way as "thought reflection", appear and show all kinds of truth and every words further denotes the future improvements in people lives.

The real purpose of analyzing a topic in a live or off live show is to tell people" what is behind the walla of building and what can deliver by some one in a limited or unlimited time period and what kind of effects can cause on the situations whether these conditions and situations are economics nature or directed with political situations.

Every day on the live media there many different live shows where host and guests try to analyze some topic of important lines and integrity of these lines or topic of discussion are base at some strategies and policies but if circle of discussion is base at own likes and dislikes are killer of rating and for the attention of audiences.

In these rich media and advance media technology age the word "analysis", seems to be a drama scene where characters some time discuss in friendly mood and manners but during those for fighting discussion a climax point face when they quarrel and discuss the analysis topic in " as are fighting in battlefield with full fire weapons of words even at some stage of analysis they try to use those words that's are forbidden or ethically ban from moral full audience. So as in some live TV programs where host remain one man show and guest try to reflect the reality the host raise a question of such nature as guest excite and forget the real and right way of analysis a topic for discussion.

Agree or disagree are two different and opposite words that's are a fundamental unit of analysis and analysing different topic of history, presents events or for future predictions but analysis withe proper tools of techniques and catalogue of serial of live discussion make it more important because these are directly relates with peoples lives,people lives changes and improve the peoples lives style,so please during live analysis of issues and problems try to speak with those words of paragraph that fully describe the salvation of those issues and problems. While sitting in live broadcasting rooms it is not suitable to claims those stories and false tales that can cause of any kind of disturbance in or of a society or a group of peoples.

If you want to join some kind of live or off live program or a talking show, please as a responsible participant try to speak on you turn  and also try to speak purposeful words that's are lives and human mind,behavior changeable yes more so try to leave some quarries for audiences because audiences are willfully think about to choose or select z path for future running especially during any crisis describes hopes and courage for audiences those are hopeless and need worldly help for others.

Please don't try to critics on others but first and foremost analyze yourself at the standard of benchmarking with others. Please try to judge yourself and then try to analyse others,others are like you. While analyzing an activity try to first research on that topic,judge,estimate and define clarity, understanding, but some further more related skill of benchmarking and expressing ideas, thoughts and own views for audiences are so important as blood in human body. As human body can't call live human body till blood is circulating in the veins of whole system and if blood stop are mix with some kinds of impurities them human body change in sick stats. So as evey one know "little knowledge is dangerous", Sam is true for run a analysis by unwise persons because audiences are sometimes more aware of those events of historical tracks or those related branches are are roots of society and environment.


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