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Faults in knitwear garments

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 What type of faults can damage the quality of knitwear garments?faults and defects in knitwear garments, some about these faults and defects for new learner about the quality of knitwear garments.

Goals of this page is to learn about faults and defects of knitwear garments quality and how new commercial learner can learn something new about these faults and defects that damage the look and shape of knitwear garments and decrease the real values of products in deleted market places.

If some one what to learn something new about these faults and defects of knitwear garments complete practice and some probation period in knitwear garments producing units,as we are familiar with these words "practice make the perfect" although there is no perfect thing in this world and but in this way,as with practice and with practical work about quality can improve inner abilities and efficiencies of learner during practice hours, so such put try on new learner who want to learn something new about quality and quality process as those are involves in improving the skill,knowledge and information about the quality of knitwear garments, why because for those who have/had already work/ed in quality department know batter "how to deal with the qualities of knitwear garments " at different stage of during the in election of knitwear garments quality at quality tables,quality editing process and especially quality methodology at needles points in knitwear garments producing and stitching units where knitwear garments are stitch and produce accordance with the improved sample+knitwear garments purchasers comments and furthermore, first and foremost techniques are "knitwear garment must be free from faults and defects", but always remember during stitching processes of the knitwear garments in pipeline flow are  regularly monitor for improving that knitwear garments producing quality at the needle points, from those machines on them the knitwear garments products are in stitching process.

As every body know that" that thing out as one put in lines"if in lines knitwear garments raw material+knitwear garments accessories are as prefect as the demand of customer then stitching products are verify at others stages of "quality improving" purpose.

There are three kinds of faults that can affects the knitwear garments quality,these faults are written as under

Now we come across our real and basic points such as what's types of faults can come across during inspecting the knitwear garments pieces.
(1) Minor Faults
(2)Major faults
(3)critical faults
Now some about the "minor faults" that can damage the look and shape of knitwear garments, these are those faults that damage production of knitwear garments at stitching flow,such as dirty spot+oil stains. These minor faults stick with the garments pieces during stitching process at machines. For instances if machine operator does not clean the knitwear garments stitching machine after regular hours than lubricating oil can spread on different parts of the machine and when garment piece pass from machine, the machine parts dirty with oil can cause spreading of oil spot on garment parts or garment accessories such as on label and zip. Please here remember "minor faults" are,of two type,one of them are removable and others are unremovable, for example oil spot can remove with suitable "detergents" and also these are remove or wash with some others suitable chemical.So in quality related department "washing rooms or even department are affiliated for improving the knitwear garments quality process.
For new learner who want to learn the skills about/of quality must be know how to remove and deal with such quality faults.
Next and second type of knitwear garments quality faults are known as " major faults "these are explain as under,
(2)Major faults,these are those faults that damage the knitwear garments quality through/by many aspects,such as if skip or jump stitch flow on the stitching line of any part of knitwear garments then whole quality of knitwear garments decrease and this kind of faults are not acceptable the rough any way.
 Why?. Because no consumer want to wear the faulty and damage garment on his or her body. Here are some instruction set how to check and monitor" majors faults"in a knitwear garments especially for new learner,
Skip stitch, jump stitch, broken stitch, uneven hem,uneven seams,out of shaped garments, bad look garments, uneven cutting of knitwear garments parts on machine, loose thread,tight thread,short stitch per inch,loose stitch in per inch,gaining, gathering,hiking,shade thread,shady parts stitch or attach with knitwear garments, washing spot,crease marks of press on body parts of knitwear garments, needles hole or needles cut on sewing parts,feed cut and uneven edges. Loose threading of knitwear garments is also a major faults because loose threads can damage the look and shape of knitwear garments.
An other one important point of remembering for new learner is,if two minor faults appear in a knitwear garments these two minor faults are counted as major faults and traffic quality control flag system changes as faults appear on stitching machines for the working of machine operators. So be conscious about quality traffic flags system are relevant in that knitwear garments stitching units.
Yes heard at number third the next point is about critical faults in a knitwear garments quality control system.
(3)Critical faults are those faults and defects that can completely rejects the knitwear garments. Or thses are those faults and defects that are not acceptable to buyers because these faults and defects completely rejects the knitwear garments so these are nominate as "critical faults. But I want to write a separate blog post for/,about these " critical faults and defects "but some of them are mentions here as under,
Wrong attachment of lable+wrong composition of fabric+permanent drying spot+wrong stitching processes of knitwear garments, always remember any kind/type of neck fault or defect are critical such as unachievable of " neck stretch "because from neck/thorough the consumer head can not pass from the hole of neck.
Although there are very long list of these critical faults and defects and this little paragraph can't able to encircle the named of all critical faults and defects,So I shall describe these in a separate blog page.
As a results ,if you like and get some skill,knowledge and information from above mention lines,please like it,share it on social media such as on Facebook and on Twitter, because" sharing is caring".so also share with your friends.
Thank you


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  3. What is integrity of seam

    1. Integrity is stitching seams, especially at over lock machine mean "every one piece of knitwear garment in a such as per sample and in such shape as enter from cutting. Furthermore in broad way or in detail practice study promote one how one seam is different attach with other seam of sales shape knitwear garment stitching parts. please always remember it is not only true only for one garment but in bulk stitching production where different bundles of knitwear garment parts are city and enter for stitching purpose in stitching flow,where different parts of garments are stitch with each other as accordance with sample as improved from related buyers.
      In integrity of seams are,
      (1)stitch together two seams with other as per sample and whole and entire production produce or stitch at same procedure.
      (2)cutting of different seams at over lock machine must be control and regulate by adjusting guides on over lock machine at machine feeding platform.
      (3)Maine point about integrity of seams are " all seams must be/should be equal and match as per standard of sample and entire production must be control at same standard operational procedure (SOP)
      (4)integrity of knitwear garment stitching seams are all seams of a garment must be same of shape as from cutting/as with sample, but it is not impossible and is possible only when these tools and techniques are regulate during knitwear garment parts with each other,
      (a)7S must be implement
      (b)8M must be regulate
      (c)three types of control should be monitor from top to lower level.
      (d)back word of control
      (e) on spot control
      (f) for wording control
      Controls at needle point
      Further study wait for my new blog post "integrity of seams" terminologies and shape of knitwear garment as per sample and as are city during cutting process. Here what type tools and techniques are require?


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